Home Forums US Life 12월 문호 EditDeleteReply 2024-11-1216:01:05 #3899591 H 204.***.69.94 926 나왔네요 https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin/2025/visa-bulletin-for-december-2024.html Love3 Hate2 List Write EditDeleteReply ㅇㅇ 67.***.117.130 2024-11-1216:02:50 전부다 그대론가요? EditDeleteReply H 204.***.69.94 2024-11-1216:05:24 EMPLOYMENT-BASED 는 다 그대로입니다 EditDeleteReply 제이미 205.***.233.110 2024-11-1216:03:35 1월을 기대해 봐야겠네요 ㅠㅠ EditDeleteReply 최고 182.***.115.159 2024-11-1218:50:57 정말 절망적이네요… 후퇴 안한게 어디냐마는… EditDeleteReply Eastside 24.***.144.86 2024-11-1223:26:06 이쯤되면 비숙련 좀 따져야하지 않을까요 해도해도 너무하다 Name * Password * Email I agree to the terms of service Cancel Comment