【 채용분야】
Job Description
We are looking for an Embedded Software Engineer to work in Customer Engineer team based in Korea to support Mobile design.【 채용업무】
– To work for mobile device using Android or Embedded Linux
– Develop low level camera/module drivers, sensor bring up and tuning.
– Customer interface, debugging, technical support and problem solving throughout customer development cycle
– Provide software technical training, deep dive and on-site support
– Establish relationships and trust through excellent execution, high quality, and exceeding expectations안드로이드폰 개발 Customer Service Engineer이며, 프로그램에 대한 기술 지원과, 개발 업무
*Camera : 안드로이드 카메라 개발 및 리눅스 카메라 개발 관련 경력
*시스템관련: 안드로이드 전반적 시스템, 개발 드라이버 레이어 관련
【 자격요건】
Minimum Requirements:
– BSEE/CS or equivalent
– 3+ years of experience in developing low-level or embedded projects
– Strong interpersonal, verbal and written communications skills
– must have a solid operational knowledge of ISP pipelines and algorithms, sensor hardware and low level sensor drivers.
– Excellent C skill
– Prior system level Linux programming or mobile device development experience
– Self-motivated and work effectively with core engineering and sensor vendors in order to resolve customer issues.【 전형절차 】1차: 서류심사, 2차: 면접전형
【 회사위치 】서울
【 제출서류 및 지원방법 】
– 국문 이력서,영문이력서, 자기소개서,coverletter, 경력기술서
– oshina@r-star.co.kr
– 이메일 제목: 성함, 생년, 성별, 포지션명(예:이효리_79년생_여_회계)을 꼭 적어주시기 바랍니다.
– 02-518-4591
– 채용시 마감
접수방법 :이메일지원 oshina@r-star.co.kr