(헤드헌팅)서울)글로벌제약기업_Collaboration of R&D BD(Business development)

  • #160612
    송현순 61.***.144.62 4572

    Hiring Company : 글로벌 제약기업 Korea Office

    Open Position :  Collaboration of R&D BD(Business development)

    Location : Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul


    [Job Description]

    Purpose of this position : R&D BD(Business development) with Regional R&D

    Develop long term discovery strategies with partners to seek sustainable external pipeline

    Lead multiple discovery collaborations in biologics or small molecule drugs

    Develop broad ranging relationship with key external researchers

    Identify external opportunities for internal evaluation and in-licensing



    MD or Ph.D. in life science related fields

    min 5-years industry research experience in drug discovery

    Experience in leading a first-in-class drug discovery project

    A background in oncology, target search & validation or translational research

    Track record in working collaboratively with academia or biotech

    Strong interpersonal skills with ability to build formal and informal networks

    Excellent communication and leadership skills to motivate partners.


    [제출서류 및 전형]

    • 국문 또는 영문이력서(경력사항위주)

    • 서류 전형 및 면접 전형


    [Contact Information]

    • 헤드헌팅그룹 커리어케어 의료제약팀 송현순 이사

    • 전화 : 02-2286-3860, 010-4742-5209

    • 이 메일 : jhsong@careercare.co.kr

    • 홈페이지 : http://www.careercare.co.kr