Home Talk Politics 해병대 충성 정의….멋집니다 EditDeleteReply 2023-08-1109:58:53 #3809941 12 172.***.178.143 202 충성 정의… Love2 Hate2 List Write EditDeleteReply 12 172.***.178.143 2023-08-1110:59:42 EditDeleteReply 12 172.***.209.191 2023-08-1114:26:13 https://www.mindlenews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=4604 EditDeleteReply 12 172.***.208.228 2023-08-1119:30:32 EditDeleteReply ㅠㅠ 73.***.90.165 2023-08-1200:21:29 그… 누가 요약좀;;; EditDeleteReply 시진핑 23.***.172.174 2023-08-1202:24:59 동무, 여론전은 이렇게 하는게 아니오. 자아비판 하시오. Name * Password * Email I agree to the terms of service Cancel Comment