한울종합복지관 직원모집-Family Support Program Coordinator (full-time)

  • #168388
    HanulUSA 24.***.218.179 1869
    Position: Family Support Program Coordinator
    Employment type: Full-time
    Office Location: Suburban Office
    Closes: June 30, 2013

    • Plans, coordinates, and manages overall administration and activities of Family Support Programs and events at both Chicago and Suburban Office
    • Develops and administers Financial Literacy Program funded by United Way; Responsible for application renewal and reporting process; must attend trainings and meetings requested by the funder.
    • Develops and administers Community Technology Center at the Suburban Office funded by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity; Responsible for application renewal and reporting process
    • Develops and administers Ellie’s Project by promoting and recruiting eligible children and carrying out the wish making process.
    • Interacts with Hanul youth volunteers to create youth activities and projects.
    • Carries out special projects and services, and seeks new funding opportunities to provide families with individualized support services. 

    • Requires a master’s degree in social work or bachelor’s degree in social work or related fields with a minimum of two years of experience in related fields.
    • Working experience with children, youth and family preferred.
    • Ability to develop and run pilot projects and seek funding sources.
    • Must be bilingual and have bi-cultural (Korean-English) knowledge.
    • Must have working knowledge of Microsoft Office skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, etc).
    • Ability to develop, coordinates, and direct varied activities and events.
    • Ability to prioritize workload to effectively utilize time, volunteers, and facilities. 
    • Highly motivated, energetic, and confident in leadership skills.
    • Must have passion and commitment in the field of social work.
    Application:  Please send a resume and a cover letter (in English) to Jisun Yu, Deputy Executive Director, through email at 


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    (preferred) or mail to Hanul Family Alliance, 5008 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago IL 60625 (Attn: Human Resources).


    한울 종합 복지관은
    시카고 지역의 한인들을 위해 설립된 비영리 사회사업 단체로
    , 커뮤니티를 위해 함께 일할 분들을 찾고 있습니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 연락 바랍니다.

    직책: 가족지원 프로그램

    근무처: 시카고사무소 (1166 S. Elmhurst Road Mt.
    Prospect, IL 60056)

    접수 마감일: 20136 30

    담당 업무:

    가족지원 프로그램 운영 및 관리
    그랜트 관련 리포트 및 신청서 제출   
    청소년/ 유아 프로그램 개발 및 평가
    외부 기관 네트워킹 및 아웃리치 서비스  

    • 사회복지 (MSW or BSW)
      전공자 우대

    • 비영리 단체 또는 관련 업무 경력자 우대 

    • 한국어/영어 이중언어 가능자

    • 컴퓨터 사용 필수 (Word,
      Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, etc)


    영문 이력서와
    커버레터를 아래 이메일로 제출 바랍니다

    문의: 한울종합복지관 773-478-8851 http://www.hanulusa.org