제목 : ENGINEER & SALES JOB OFFERS IN KOREA AND U.S.A. KOTRA Contact KOREA는 정부의 지원을 통해 국내기업의 인력 수요가 높은 지역을 대상으로 「글로벌 고급인력 유치사절단」을 파견합니다. 오는 6.17(금)에는 국내 기업 15개사로 구성된 북미지역 글로벌 인재유치 사절단이 로스앤젤레스를 방문하여 해외 인재 채용활동을 벌일 예정입니다.
이번에 방문하는 사절단은 국내 대기업부터 중견 중소기업 등 15개사로 구성되며, 실제 채용을 목적으로 각 기업의 채용 담당자가 현장에 파견되어 현지인력과 직접 1:1 인터뷰를 실시하게 됩니다.
국내기업으로의 취업기회를 찾는 많은 인재들의 관심과 성원 부탁드립니다.
KOTRA Contact KOREA Los Angeles Office is interested in hiring YOU to the following companies :FOREIGN & KOREAN RESEARCHERS/ ENGINEERS
아모레 퍼시픽 Amore Pacific Life Science/Chemical/Micro-RNA Researcher
삼성석유화학 Samsung Oil and Chemical – Chemical/BioMedical/Material/Textile Engineer (White Bio)
상보 Sangbo – Chemical Process Engineer
웅진케미칼 Woongjin Chemical – Chemical Engineering/ Display Material/Membranes
웅진코웨이 Woongjin Coway – Biochemistry/Cell&Molecular Biology/Food&Science Biotechnology Majors
웅진코웨이 Woongjin Coway – Fluidonics Engineer (CATIA Analysis)
웅진코웨이 Woongjin Coway – Industrial/Environemntal/Materials Science/Chemical Engineer
웅진코웨이 Woongjin Coway – Skin Biology Researcher
대림엠티아이 Daerim MTI – Metal Forming Engineer/SQE
램리서치코리아 Lam Research Korea – Etch Technologist/Field Service/Field Process Engineer
에이브머린 Abe Marine – Electric Engineer/Instrument & Control Engineer
제이캐스트 JCast – Senior Software Engineer
부강테크 Boo-KangTech – Chemical & Environmental EngineerSALES / MARKETING / RESEARCH / MANAGEMENT
이노경영기술원 Innovation Management & Technology – Management IT Consultant
삼화텍 SamhwaTech – Auto Parts Sales Manager
신한포토닉스 Shinhan Photonyx – Fiber Optics Sales Manager
예원정공 Yeweon Company – Business Administration College Majors
뷔투알 V2R – Walmart Distribution/Vendor ManagerPlease reply with:
1) Your Updated Resume 2) Name(s) of the Company You Are Interested In 3) Your Minimum Expected Annual Aalary to
You will be recommended through the KOTRA Goldstar Talent system to the company you are applying to.
We will also be opening 1 on 1 interviews with the human resource department heads and company owners during the following dates and regions:
North America Region Job Tour
June 13, 2011 9:00 A.M. at Novotel North York Hotel, TORONTO, CANADA
June 15, 2011 9:00 A.M. at Hilton Hotel, NYC, NEW YORK
June 17, 2011 10:00 A.M. at Wilshire Grand Hotel, L.A., CALIFORNIA
** Anyone who is interested but unable to find relevant job positions, please upload your resume at
http://www.kotrala.com/job-opportunities-in-korea and we will send you job offers from companies that are interested in hiring you.
Contact KOREAis an affiliate of the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) with a worldwide network of over 111 offices in 78 countries. As a global gateway for highly skilled talented individuals wishing to work with Korean companies our aim is to ensure that the application process is as reliable and convenient as possible. Our services include employment matchmaking, global talent/certified company verification, concluding employment contracts, visa issuance recommendations, job interviews, as well as a thorough follow-up inquiry system for both individuals and companies. Contact KOREA cooperates with organizations by industry, related government bureaus, academic institutions, self-governing bodies, and other institutions in Korea so as to support their respective hiring needs.
출처: jobkoreausa.com