학사학위로 취업에 관한 질문입니다.

  • #148364
    예비유학생 144.***.12.138 4127

    밑에 질문올렸던 예비유학생인데요.
    답변들 우선 정말 감사합니다.생각하면 할수록 취업이 어려울꺼 같네요.

    그래서 질문을 바꿔서 드릴까 합니다.
    학사학위(B)로 그나마 취업이 잘되는(연봉,비자등은 상관없음)
    직업군이 어떤게 있는지 질문드립니다.

    미국에서 학사학위로 어느 직업이던 간에 취직이
    잘 안되리라 생각하지만,전 상황이 조금 절망적이라
    질문드립니다. 간호,약과 이쪽 관련만 제외하고 부탁드려요.

    앞으로 수요가 많아질 직업군이라던가,외국인도 비교적 어느정도
    취업이 가능한(타 업종에 비해서) 직업군 부탁드립니다.

    물론,COMPUTER 쪽이나 어느 직업이던간에,목숨걸고 운따르면
    취직이 가능하겠지만,현실적으로 95% 이상이 졸업하고 우리나라로
    귀국하는 마당에 솔직히 두렵습니다.

    뼈를 묻는 심정으로 미국에 갈 생각이구요,미국 시민권 획득을
    궁극적인 유학생활의 성공으로 생각하고 있습니다.어찌 생각하면
    소박하고 어떻게 보면 상당히 건방져 보이지만 답변해 주시면
    정말 감사하겠습니다.

    감사합니다 수고하세요.

    • H1b 192.***.47.9

      This is the forecast from the US Department of Labor.
      Job openings stem from both employment growth and replacement needs (Chart 10). Replacement needs arise as workers leave occupations. Some transfer to other occupations while others retire, return to school, or quit to assume household responsibilities. Replacement needs are projected to account for 60 percent of the approximately 56 million job openings between 2002 and 2012. Thus, even occupations projected to experience little or no growth or to decline in employment still may offer many job openings.

      Professional and related occupations are projected to grow faster and add more jobs than any other major occupational group, with 6.5 million new jobs by 2012. Three-fourths of the job growth in professional and related occupations is expected among computer and mathematical occupations; healthcare practitioners and technical occupations; and education, training, and library occupations. With 5.3 million job openings due to replacement needs, professional and related occupations are the only major group projected to generate more openings from job growth than from replacement needs.

      Service occupations are projected to have the largest number of total job openings, 13 million, reflecting high replacement needs. A large number of replacements will be necessary as young workers leave food preparation and service occupations. Replacement needs generally are greatest in the largest occupations and in those with relatively low pay or limited training requirements.

      Office automation will significantly affect many individual office and administrative support occupations. Overall, these occupations are projected to grow more slowly than average, while some are projected to decline. Office and administrative support occupations are projected to create 7.5 million job openings over the 2002-12 period, ranking third behind service and professional and related occupations.

      Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations are projected to have the fewest job openings, approximately 335,000. Because job growth is expected to be slow, and levels of retirement and job turnover high, more than 85 percent of these projected job openings are due to replacement needs.

      Professional and related occupations. Professional and related occupations will grow the fastest and add more new jobs than any other major occupational group. Over the 2002-12 period, a 23.3-percent increase in the number of professional and related jobs is projected, a gain of 6.5 million. Professional and related workers perform a wide variety of duties, and are employed throughout private industry and government. About three-quarters of the job growth will come from three groups of professional occupations—computer and mathematical occupations, healthcare practitioners and technical occupations, and education, training, and library occupations—which will add 4.9 million jobs combined.

      <a href=http://www.bls.gov/oco/oco2003.htm

    • 글쎄요 171.***.73.10

      만일 원글님 삶의 목적이 컴싸도 의료도 아니고 “미국 시민권 획득”에 있다면, 미국 교포와 결혼하시는 것 권해드립니다. 예를들면 엘에이 지역 학부로 오셔서 교포배우자 만나세요. 이게 안될 경우의 빽업으로 컴싸나 의료쪽 공부하시구요. 원글님 글 읽으니 웬지 씁슬합니다.