Home Forums US Life 테무 창업자가 한국인이고 본사가 한국에? This topic has [13] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by chaoxianzu. Now Editing “테무 창업자가 한국인이고 본사가 한국에?” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) 테무를 구글에 검색했더니 한국기업이고 한국사람이 창업한 것으로 나타네요... 지주회사는 중국회사인듯한데 본사 및 창업자를 한국 한국인으로 해놔서 이거 오해하기 십상인듯..ㅋ Whaleco Technology Limited, doing business as Temu, is an online marketplace operated by the Chinese e-commerce company PDD Holdings. It offers heavily discounted consumer goods which are mostly shipped to consumers directly from China. Temu's business model is based in South Korea. Wikipedia Parent organization: PDD Holdings Founded: July 2022, Boston, MA Founder(s): Park Je-Nak Headquarters: Seoul, South Korea I agree to the terms of service Update List