미국에 직장을 구하고자 monster에 resume올렸더니 아래와같은 컨설팅 제의가 옵니다. 경험있으신 분들 조언 부탁드립니다. 지난번엔 전화번호 남겼더니 인도사람같은 분이 전화해서 한국말로 컨설팅 제안을 해와서 전화번호 지웠더니 메일이 오네요. 이런거 해도 되는건가요? 제게 득실을 따져볼때 전혀 어떤경우인지 감이 없어서요. 취업하지 않겠냐는 소식이면 반가웠을텐데요~
혹시나 나중에 취업에 도움이 될수있을까 해서 문의드립니다.-원글 일부-
Hi, I saw your resume online and wondered if you might be interested in doing some part time consulting with us. This would ALL be from your house. Please take a look at what we are doing if you’re interested e-mail or call me. We are an independent research firm that services the buyside investment community. Our clients are mutual fund and hedge fund managers who are looking to speak with experts about general industry trends and technologies (much like one would do at a conference). We work in the following manner with professionals such as you.Typically we pay $200 per hour. We respect and adhere to all confidentiality agreements an expert may have
There is no minimum time commitment. There is no obligation to do any consultation. We simply invite you to do consultations on an ad-hoc basis. You can decline a request for a consultation at any time for any reason.
We have professionals from both public and private companies who consult for us
We are a venture backed firm whose founders are all technology veterans and have a deep interest for technology issues