최악의 삶의 질 10개 주 순위

    • 최상위 1%부자들마저 CA 떠나 텍사스로 몰려드는 이유 62.***.78.204

      경제전문지, Business Insider는 CA 주 부자들이 떠나고 있고 그런 현상을 가장 잘 확인할 수있는 곳이 LA라고 전했다.

      Business Insider에 따르면 CA 주에서 재산 규모 면에서 최상위 1%에 해당하는 이른바 Super Rich들 조차도 타 주를 향해서 이주하는 모습을 심심치 않게 볼 수있다.

      초특급 부자들이 CA 주를 떠나는 가장 큰 이유는 단연 세금이다.

      부자에게 부과되는 세금 비율이 너무 높다보니 감당하기 힘들고 그런 세금을 감당해야한다는 사실에 회의가 느껴져 떠나고 있는 실정이다.

      특히 CA 주에서도 LA가 가장 부자들이 많이 떠나고 있는 지역인데 그 이유는 ‘Mansion Tax’ 때문이라고 Business Insider는 분석했다.

      고가 주택에 부과되는 ‘Mansion Tax’는 지난해(2023년) 4월에 시행돼 9개월째를 맞고 있는데 부자들 불만이 매우 높은 세금이다.

      LA에서 500만달러 이상 가격의 주택을 구입할 경우 전체 주택 가격의 4%를 세금으로 내야하는 것이 ‘Mansion Tax’다.

      1,000만달러 이상 가격의 주택을 구입하는 경우에는 전체 주택 가격의 5.5%가 역시 세금으로 부과되는 것이다.

      부자들은 CA 주가 부자들이 살아가기 점점 힘든 곳으로 변하고 있다며 기존 세금도 무거운데 4%나 5.5%의 추가 세금 지불은 정말 어렵다는 의미다.

    • 지나가다2 209.***.195.1

      아무리 부정하고 싶어도 팩트는 돈 있으면 캘리 온다는거…
      New findings by Bloomberg via IRS data have found that, despite a significant exodus of residents from California since the late 2010s causing overall state population loss, California has continued to make more millionaires during the same time frame, with the number of residents making more than $1 million a year in the state going up by 66% from 2019 to 2021.

    • 한인 노숙자 많아졌다. 1년전보다 훨신 심각한 LA 노숙자 62.***.78.204

    • 떠나자 켈리포니아 62.***.78.204

      Take one look at income tax rates in New York—and the median cost of a one-bedroom apartment with no natural light—and it’s no wonder why people who can afford to are flocking elsewhere.

      With no state income tax at all, Florida and Texas are the No. 1 and No. 2 destinations for high-earning millennials on the move, according to a report from SmartAsset. Using data from the IRS and the 2021 tax year, SmartAsset measured net migration patterns (the inflow of new high earners minus the outflow) among young professionals ages 26 to 35 bringing in at least $200,000 a year. Florida gained a net 2,175 people in this cohort; Texas gained a net 1,909.

      Meanwhile, the nation’s biggest economies, New York and California, withstood the biggest net losses at 5,062 and 4,495 young high earners, respectively. But they aren’t exactly desperate for young blood, as the two states are still home to the most young high earners by a vast margin.

    • 지나가다2 209.***.195.1

      If you had all the money in the world, where would you want to live? That’s the question that Home Bay, a real estate advice website, posed to its readers.

      The top 10 results proved quite interesting, as Los Angeles came in the top spot even as the same survey found that California was the state Americans were moving from the most — perhaps due to how expensive the West Coast state has become in terms of cost of living.

    • The wealthiest Californians are leaving the state 62.***.78.204

      EL SEGUNDO, Calif. — More Californians are leaving for greener pastures than out-of-state residents are moving in. That trend is nothing new, but the demographics of who is leaving is.

      LA Times economics reporter Don Lee examined the migration data and joined Lisa McRee on “LA Times Today.”

      California has lost about 750,000 people in the last few years to other states, but Lee explained the demographics and economic standing of those former Californians is changing.

      “In years past, the tendency has been that California would lose more relatively lower-income people, people with less education than those coming into the state. That, in recent years, has reversed. We’ve had tens of thousands more that are better educated and have higher incomes leaving than those that have come in,” Lee said.

      Lee explained that the cost of housing is one factor in peoples’ decisions to leave California, but it is not the only one.

      “One other factor to remember is the rise of people being able to work from home. If you’re in the Bay Area in particular, and you can take your big salary job and cross state lines to Nevada, or if you want, to Texas. I talked to somebody who left for Texas because his bosses have moved there and because Texas doesn’t have state income taxes, among other factors,” Lee said. “We’re [also] hearing more people talk about the social conditions, changes in their lifestyle, whether it’s too crowded or they don’t like the political climate.”

      Taxes on California’s wealthiest residents help keep the state’s coffers full. Lee discussed the impact of people like Elon Musk taking their high earnings to other states.

      “The top 1% of tax filers in California account for 40% to 45% of all the personal income tax revenue. So when people like Elon leave, it really is felt and we’ve had more upper income people leave California than in past years,” Lee said.

    • California ranks #1 state wealthy Americans are moving away from 62.***.78.204

      The #1 state wealthy Americans are leaving? California! You may not guess the top state they are moving to.
      Author: Ariana Cohen
      Published: 6:07 PM PDT July 24, 2023
      Updated: 6:07 PM PDT July 24, 2023
      SAN DIEGO — The #1 state wealthy Americans are leaving? California! You may not guess the top state they are moving to.
      High-income earners are moving in “The Great Wealth Migration.”
      New data from MyEListing, an online resource for commercial real estate, provides insight into the current lifestyle trends.
      They ranked U.S. states based on tax laws, economic prospects, and lifestyle offerings.
      Here are the top nine states with the most significant net negative outflow of wealth ranked. In other words, this reflects which states high earners are leaving the most.
      States With the Largest Net Negative Tax Income Migration

      1. California (-$343.2 million)
      2. New York (-$299.6 million)
      3. Illinois (-$141.7 million)
      4. New Jersey (-$135 million)
      5. Massachusetts (-$129 million)
      6. Ohio (-$122 million)
      7. Pennsylvania (-$119 million)
      8. Michigan (-$117 million)
      9. Indiana (-$115 million)
      According to recent IRS data, California is #1 with a staggering net loss of $343.2 million.
      Many high-income earners are fleeing the Golden State due to sky-rocketing income tax rates and high cost of living, making it a less desirable destination for wealthy Americans.
      The study also finds this could impact job creation as high-income earners play a role in business expansion.
      Conversely, high-income earners are relocating to these three states: Florida, Texas, and Arizona.
      States With the Largest Net Positive Tax Income Migration

      1. Florida ($12.4 billion)
      2. Texas ($10.7 billion)
      3. Arizona ($9.4 billion)
      4. Colorado ($8.6 billion)
      5. North Carolina ($7.8 billion)
      6. South Carolina ($7.2 billion)
      7. Tennessee ($6.9 billion)
      8. Utah ($6.7 billion)
      9. Georgia ($6.6 billion)
      Florida has a net income migration of 12.4 billion dollars.
      A main reason? Florida has no personal income tax, and neither does Texas.
      Also rounding off this list, wealthy Americans are moving to Colorado, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, and Georgia.

    • CNBC 랭킹 100.***.143.93

      택사스 주 – 25 년 안에 히스패닉이 최대 인종 그룹 차지

    • CNBC 랭킹 100.***.143.93

      플로리다 떠나는 젋은 층 인구 수 – 캘리포니아에 이어 전국 2위, 주요 원인 – 일자리 부족, 집값 폭등

    • CNBC 랭킹 100.***.143.93

      왜 Tech 기업들은 텍사스를 다시 떠나는가?

      Why Tech Companies Are Now Leaving Texas: A Shift in Business Climate

    • 초가지붕 216.***.126.127

      CNBC = Fake News

    • CNBC 랭킹 100.***.143.93

      초가지붕 / 미국의 대표적인 Fake news = Fox