* http://www.samoo.com* SAMOO Architects & Engineers (SAMOO) is an architectural design firm headquartered in Seoul, Korea with diversified services including architectural design, urban planning, interior design, engineering, and construction management services. Since the firm’s founding in 1976, SAMOO has developed into one of the world’s largest architectural firms with five offices worldwide. Employing more than 1,000 professionals, SAMOO is involved in a diverse portfolio including office, civic, cultural, healthcare and biotechnology, residential, hospitality, academic, high-tech industrial, transportation, and mixed-use projects. In 2011, SAMOO was awarded the prestigious ‘Red Dot Design Award’ and in 2012, was ranked 8th worldwide by the BD World Architecture Top 100 and 2nd among architectural design firms in the Pacific Rim.
* 삼성전자 북미총괄 오피스의 신축공사와 관련하여,
국내1위, 세계8위인 삼우설계에서 원활한 프로젝트 수행을 위하여,
현지 우수한 Admin을 모집합니다.[채용인원]
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* SAMSUNG SEMICONDUCTOR INC., 3655 N 1st Street, San Jose, CA[근무시간]
* Mon-Fri 9:00am – 6:00pm
* Max : 3년 (1년단위 재계약)[업무내용]
* 업무타이틀 : Office Administrator
* 업무내용 : 통*번역 업무 / 영수증 관리 및 정산 업무 / 주재원 숙소, 차량, 보험, 핸드폰 관리 / 사무용품 관리 / 기타 사무실 업무 지원[급여조건 및 복리후생]
* 급여 : Min.50,000+a (자세한것은 인터뷰시 협의)
* 복리후생 : 보험료 지급[지원방법]
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