Home Talk Free Talk 제 책이 크게 반향을 일으킬 것 같군요…. This topic has [21] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by ㅋㅋㅋ. Now Editing “제 책이 크게 반향을 일으킬 것 같군요….” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) 보통 가난한 이유에, 당신이 아이를 많이 낳아서.... 아이를 많이 낳는 것은 더 이상 아무에게도 도움이 안된다....이런 말은 잘 안하지 않나요? 요즘 아이를 낳지 않기로 결정하는 여성이나 커플이 늘어나는 추세인데.... 입소문이 나면, 이 사람들에게 많이 팔릴 것 같음.... 이 사람들도 나름 고민을 많이 해서 내린 결정인데..... 그게 맞다고 하는 글이 별로 없어요.... 특히 저처럼 결혼한 남자가 쓴 글 중에는..... Chapter 2장 일부만 발췌입니다.... 2 Having too Many Children Human population does not have to be bigger than it is now. -Brad Kong There are always people who never understand me: “Having a lot of babies is virtually the number one reason for poverty; number one reason for social problems; Earth is crowded already; no one needs to have a baby any more; the more we have, the more we get close to extinction; extinction of all the lives on Earth.” We all know that humans have caused a lot of miseries on Earth. People talk about Jewish holocaust or African slavery. But, did you know that there are tons of animals born to live a short life painfully and massacred? You can be a vegetarian to help them. Or, you can help them by having fewer or no babies. Human population is close to 8 billion as of 2022 and experts expect it to be over 9 billion by 2040. That is a huge increase which has never happened in Earth history, and it will happen regardless if you have a baby or not. If I have one more baby, it will probably contribute to killing 100 extra chickens in the next 100 years. (The baby will eat at least that much during its lifetime.) And, I am glad I have only one child since I have been less stressed out financially. Conclusively, having fewer or no babies is a win-win-win situation: good for your stress, good for chicken and good for the general environment including limited natural resources. This topic may include having a child too early for a poverty reason. I agree to the terms of service Update List