전화강사 모집 (재택근무)

  • #159086
    gsk 71.***.5.129 4340

    서울에 위치한 외국어교육 전문회사에서 재택근무하실 전화영어강사 (part-time/ full time)를 모집합니다.

    아래 제시된 사항을 읽어보시고 많은 지원 부탁드립니다.

    A large ESL education business in Korea is looking for new ESL teachers to work FT/PT
    from home teaching conversational English to students and professionals. 

    If you’re one of those selected, we’ll provide you with an internet phone for
    calling each student, as well as all the necessary texts and materials for
    teaching each class. Our office in Korea will also provide you with students
    and a schedule of classes.


    You will be expected to call a list of students from your home or quiet office and teach
    a series of 10, 15, and 20 minute classes. During each class you should be able
    to confidently go over the exercises in the text. You should be prepared to
    explain words and terms that may be unfamiliar to the student. You should also
    encourage the students to talk freely, practice using new words, phrases and
    idioms; and you should give regular corrections and feedback to students both while
    on the phone and in text messages (through the company website) after
    concluding each class.

    Successful candidates must possess the following qualities:

    • Be a Native-English speaker (or extremely proficient in spoken English)

    • Be an articulate, powerful communicator

    • Be able to explain complex ideas and terms in simple, concise English

    • Have a general understanding of English grammar basics

    • Be patient, organized, and have strong multi-tasking skills

    • Be sensitive to each student’s needs and interests

    • Have access to a reliable high-speed internet connection

    • Some experience teaching English to foreigners (preferred, but not necessary)

    Please send a resume to kyliekim@carrotkr.com.
    Be sure to include “ESL Teacher” in the subject line of your e-mail.