부러진 치아가 남아서, 턱뼈 교체한 몽골인도
원래는 치과에서 발치를 했다는데….무슨 병원에서 돈 쓰는게 만병 통치도 아니고….
평소 병에 걸리지 않도록 노력하고, 문제가 생겼을 때, 자연스런 치료를 해보고,
그게 안되면, 병원에 가야 하는 것 아니냐?이번에 발치도 3년 7개월간 자연 치료를 시도해 보고,
안되겟다 싶어서 결국 간 것인데…..왠 찌질이 한 색기가 임플란트를 강요하냐?
턱뼈에 나사 박는게 무슨 경사라고…
상황을 봐야겟지만, 이 어금니 공간을 비워두고 싶은 이유….1. 어금니 이갈이를 할 경우, 부딧히는 공간이 없음…..
2. Teeth shifting….
빈공간으로 치아가 약간 밀려 재정렬하는 것은 자연법칙….
솔직히 내 아랫니는 너무 빽빽함….
치간 치솔은 쓰지도 못하고, 치실 중 얇은 제품만 골라 써야 하는데….
그것도 안들어 가서 오일 풀링을 먼저하거나,
빼낼때 실이 툭 걸려서 찟어질 정도…..그러면, 찟어진 실 다시 빼내는 작업이 대박임….
치아가 약간 밀려서, 공간이 조금이라도 있는게 낫겠음….
3. 어금니 제일 안쪽은 남들에게 보이는 부분이 아님…
결론: 저 의사 말처럼, 빈 공간으로 치아가 이동, 재정렬하는 것은 자연스러운 현상임….
동물이 치아를 잃어버렸을 때, 생기는 현상….
그런데, 왜 이 놈들이 찡찡 대느냐?
이미 임플란트로 많은 돈을 날렷거든….
남들, 몰기지 든다고, 임플란트 한다고 무조건 따라하는 모지리들…
생각 좀 하고 살아라…쯧쯧…
쿠오라의 의사 의견….
If you have a molar pulled, will your other teeth shift and accommodate for the missing tooth?
No, no medical reason at all to have the missing premolar replaced.
I will respectfully disagree with my colleagues and suggest if you did nothing, there would be minimal or no negative dental sequellae if you did not replace it either.
It will not predispose you to further tooth loss.
There might be a bit of supererruption of the opposing tooth but that depend on your occlusion and it make be of no issue. It is not going to keep erupting downwards into the space until it is only held in the mouth by a couple of PDL fibres.
Only if the gap bothers you. It is not a front tooth. As with any esthetic consideration it should be your perceptions rather than your dentist’s. Just because a dentist does not like the space created by a missing tooth is not necessarily a reason for you to not like it.
Drifting of other teeth?
Yes there may be some drifting to close the space. Will it become pathological? Generally not.
You must have an implant?
Olololo, no one must have an implant.
The human jaw is set up for a certain number of teeth and if you lose one the consequences will be dire?
Ololo. No. Research has suggested that a funtional dentition can be 20 to 22 teeth with 9 of them in pairs so they can contact and aid in proper chewing. So missing one tooth in your head does not contravene this nor put you on a path for dental disaster.
Is it ideal to replace any missing tooth?
Well, yes, that is the definition of ideal treatment but we also know that much of life is not ideal and it does not necessarily disadvantage or kill us especially one solitary missing tooth.
Your facial profile will collapse?
Seriously people, stop dabbling in witchcraft. No, one missing premolar will not significantly alter your face or jaw profile.
Four years have gone by and you have not said that your life and oral health have collapsed.
The best judge of whether you need any treatment is your dentist from whom you are receiving at least annual exams and can monitor any problems over time.
But logic and research suggest you can live your life without that premolar and the sky will not fall, nor will your oral health collapse.