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  • #148752
    지원자 221.***.77.13 7875

    몇주전 이력서를 작성하여 몇군데 지원을 했지만, 별다른 연락이 없습니다.
    이력서가 미흡해서 그런가 하여 조언을 좀 구하고자 합니다.
    다음이 제가 작성한 이력서 입니다.

    A mechanical engineer with over 9 years experiences of mechanical designing for gas turbine engines and automotive turbo charger systems under high revolution, high temperature environment with strong CATIA modeling skills at solid, surface, assembly. Also, I have abilities to analysis of finite element and dynamics with commercial programs.

    Seeking a full time or a contract position as a mechanical design engineer. Also, I need a sponsorship to work in US

    *****, Korea / 2000.August – Present.
    Chief researcher/Laboratory
    Performed mechanical designing and structural analysis of gas turbine engine.
    – Designed gas turbine engine for aircraft (Twin spool, Turbo-Fan engine).
    – Designed high pressure turbine rotor, disk , blade and stator.
    – Designed low pressure turbine rotor, blisk and stator.
    – Designed exhaust nozzle and composite case.
    – Designed test rig and Experience with machining process design.

    *****, Korea / 1997.March – 2000.July
    Designed and developed turbocharger for diesel engine by technical cooperation with HITACHI and IHI in JAPAN.
    – Developed turbocharger, radial type and mixed type
    – Designed and developed turbocharger actuator
    – Analyzed passenger car suspension system for ride and steering.

    *****, Korea / 1997.February
    Master of Mechanical Engineering
    – Specialization in Multibody Dynamics and Vehicle Dynamics.
    – Good at computer programming with FORTRAN, C-Language
    – Used commercial CAE program.

    *****, Korea / 1995.February
    Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
    Studied solid mechanics, dynamics, statics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, control, etc.

    Available engineering and CAE software
    – DADS, ADAMS : Dynamic analysis of multibody system
    – ANSYS : FEM
    – CADAM, Autocad : 2D drafting
    – CATIA v4, v5 : 2,3D modeling(solid and advanced surface), drafting, assembly and linear analysis(ELFINI)
    – Programmable language : FORTRAN, C-Language
    – O.A program
    – Excellent computer programming skill

    – 6 sigma : Certificated 6 sigma green belt license (2005)
    – QS 9000 : QS 9000 certification TFT activity (1999)
    – Certificated 1st grade O.A license authorized.

    • k 24.***.159.148

      “Also, I need a sponsorship to work in US.”
      sponsorship 에는 a 가 붙으면 안되고요. US 에는 the 가 붙어야 합니다.
      어쨌든, 문법이 맞더라도 이력서에 들어가면 안되는 말입니다. 이력서에 이런거 쓰면 인터뷰도 한번 못해봅니다.

    • resume 140.***.104.224

      Resume에 스폰서가 필요하다는 말은 필요없을것 같습니다. 그건 인터뷰 끝나고 나중에 Offer 받을때나 어느정도의 Interview Screen을 통과한 다음에 의논할 일 같습니다. 이것을 굳이 Resume에 써서 아예 인터뷰 기회조차 얻지 못할 가능성이 있습니다.

    • Musim 143.***.124.2

      My cent:
      It seems I better not pretend to understand your area, but let me point out one thing which may be common for other cases. I believe it is much better if you can clarify eactly what you have done in those previous projects and what’s your contribution, rather than general participation. Example; – Designed gas turbine engine for aircraft (Twin spool, Turbo-Fan engine).
      – Designed high pressure turbine rotor, disk , blade and stator.
      – Designed low pressure turbine rotor, blisk and stator.
      – Designed exhaust nozzle and composite case.
      – Designed test rig and Experience with machining process design.
      -> Have owned and finished all these design all by yourself? Again I am no expert in this area but iff this is a common sense in the field that it is too big for a single person, then your resume may not explain what you can do for the potential employer. Have you desinged the top level architecture and led bunch of others to do lower level design? Or have you finished bunch of schematics desinged by other architects? Have you been able to finish the project before the due date by doing such and such? Or you just followed whatever your manager said and delivered at your best? I know I may be a little off here, but that’s kind of stuff I am interested when I read candidate’s resume. Only me, but hope to be helpful^_^

    • kk 131.***.206.75

      제 생각에는 무심님이 말한 아주 디테일한 부분은 letter에 넣고 resume는 간단요약으로 하는것이 좋을것 같은데…

    • Musim 143.***.124.2

      If you are talking about the ‘cover letter’, that has to be even more concise than resume itself, more like a 90-sec introduction for yourself.
      I was trying to explain a way to make the resume more compelling or attractive. I was not trying say it’s not going ot fly at all if not pointing out precisely what have been done by oneself.
      If one has a line saying ‘developed a DSP’. And if I am looking for a guy who knows DSP, this line certainly catch my attention. But if there is another one saying ‘developed a pipelined floating point unit to reduce execution time for FFT’, I would think, if I have to choose one of them, this guy may know what he is doing better than the other one. More over if another line says ‘enhanced verification module so that the DSP could be verified 5 weeks ahead of the schedule.’, that means something more.
      I think if we think seriously, we can put such meesage in one or two line. Another benefit of trying to do so is that you know your slaes point better. (You are to sell yourself in the market, if it doesn’t sound too much inhuman^;;)

    • 지원자 203.***.147.30

      의견 주셔서 감사합니다.
      이제서야 문제가 보이네요.
      다시 잘 수정해 봐야 겠습니다.

    • 샌프란 71.***.25.207

      아참… 그리고.. 연락 안온다고 포기하지 마시고 2-3주 지나면 다시 한번 보낸 메일을 forwarding시키면서 몇월 몇일날 내가 이력서 보냈는데 현재 상황이 어떤지 다시 한번 remind 메일을 보내는것이 좋아요.. 한국에서는 좀 그렇지 않을까?? 하는 생각이 들지만.. 여기는 필수이고.. 저도 그렇게 해서 몇 군데 더 연락 왔어요..