Home Talk Politics “이균용 부결- 법의 공백 우려해” – 그렇다고 음식 재료 없다고 쓰레기통 뒤져 썩어 문드러진 음식 쓰레기 재활용은 좀? 생각하며 살아야? EditDeleteReply 2023-10-0806:41:29 #3823492 12 172.***.178.143 192 https://www.youtube.com/live/Fvo_7DD48jE?si=6BZh3VaBbLyjfmwS 쓰레기인 이유? 쓰레기는 소각하고? Love4 Hate1 List Write EditDeleteReply 12 172.***.178.143 2023-10-0806:42:28 https://www.youtube.com/live/Fvo_7DD48jE?si=j4hiSRayi8Ilx0pY EditDeleteReply 12 172.***.178.143 2023-10-0806:43:17 EditDeleteReply 12 172.***.178.143 2023-10-0806:43:55 https://www.youtube.com/live/GEF0kiU_YV4?si=JwOZiB3OEAmDG9hV EditDeleteReply 12 172.***.178.143 2023-10-0806:45:59 EditDeleteReply 12 172.***.178.143 2023-10-0806:47:10 EditDeleteReply 12 172.***.178.143 2023-10-0806:47:54 쓰레기를 옹호하면? Name * Password * Email I agree to the terms of service Cancel Comment