[의대입시] 미국 의대 진학 컨설팅

  • #3894371
    sigmamedical 146.***.121.6 187

    시그마 메디컬 컨설팅
    미국 의대 진학을 목표로 하고 계십니까?

    합격률 1% 미만의 치열한 경쟁 속에서, 명문대 졸업장, 높은 GPA, 우수한 MCAT 점수만으로는 충분하지 않습니다.

    진정한 합격의 열쇠는 전략적 준비와 개별화된 접근입니다.

    오랜 멘토링 경험을 바탕으로 학생 개개인의 고유한 강점을 부각시키고 약점을 철저히 보완하여, 꿈꾸던 미국 의대에 입학할 수 있도록 도와드리겠습니다.
    모든 멘토링은 Zoom 으로 이루어집니다.

    National Institute of Health 연구원
    Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 선임연구원
    Hunter College 생화학 조교
    Phi Beta Kappa 정회원

    상담신청: https://forms.gle/ZpwATsmTSRguVaPM9
    이메일: sigmamedical528@gmail.com

    Sigma Medical Consulting
    Are you dreaming of admission to a U.S. medical school?

    With an acceptance rate of less than 1%, simply having a prestigious degree, a high GPA, and a strong MCAT score is not enough.

    The real key to success lies in strategic preparation and a personalized approach.

    With extensive mentoring experience, I will help highlight your unique strengths and address any weaknesses to ensure you stand out in the competitive application process.

    Let’s work together to turn your dream of attending a U.S. medical school into a reality.

    <<Mentor’s Profile>>
    National Institute of Health researcher
    Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai researcher
    Hunter College biochemistry teaching assistant
    Phi Beta Kappa member

    Inquire here: https://forms.gle/ZpwATsmTSRguVaPM9
    E-mail: sigmamedical528@gmail.com

    • 140.***.198.159

      No thanks, but good luck with your business.
      If I were you, I would write more specifically about what I am offering.

    • abc 172.***.215.185

      having a prestigious degree, a high GPA, and a strong MCAT score is not enough.
      -> is가 아니라 are

      With extensive mentoring experience,
      -> with 뒤에 my 또는 a/the 써야됨

      turn your dream of attending a U.S. medical school into a reality
      -> a reality가 아니라 reality

    • refund 104.***.204.59

      의대 떨어지면 환불해주나요?