Home Talk Politics 윤석열 잘가라 EditDeleteReply 2025-02-1212:23:35 #3916721 하와이 125.***.4.43 73 https://youtube.com/shorts/g1ryUddMgQo?si=2LoG-5pqZwWXNAiZ Love1 Hate2 List Write EditDeleteReply 내란수괴녀에이스 211.***.151.243 2025-02-1504:12:22 성형내란수괴녀를 일본으로 도피시켜줄 도움남 EditDeleteReply 222 71.***.59.31 2025-03-2611:30:19 님 정신감정 받아보시길,,, EditDeleteReply 222 71.***.59.31 2025-03-2611:41:00 배씨 또 줄 잘못스네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저정도면 뭐..ㅄ인증 Name * Password * Email I agree to the terms of service Cancel Comment