[외국계/fabric] Senior Fabric Tech. (서울)

  • #160621
    더라이징스타 112.***.250.31 4152

    [채용기업] 외국계 글로벌 브랜드 기업

    [포지션명] Fabric Tech

    [Job Title] Provide the technical expertise in fabrics

    -Develop Korean and other Asian sources of supply for fabrics and other components required in sewn garments produced in Asia.
    -Develop programs to improve quality, reduce lead times, and achieve lower cost for fabrics /components produced in Korea .
    -Develop Korean and Asian resources for embellished fabrics (beading, embroidery, etc.)
    -Provide raw material forecasts for key fabrics/components
    -Support Design where new materials are being developed to ensure suppliers are aware of all technical requirements.
    Provide the technical expertise to work with suppliers to develop raw materials that meet the aesthetic expectations of design – appearance, hand-feel, and finish.
    -Conduct mill assessments with raw material providers.
    -Apply effective systems of Quality Management, both internally and with vendors to support the fabric and color development process and assure final product quality.
    -Maintain a technical education of the latest techniques and methods available to the textile industry.
    -Be a positive, supportive partner, consistently demonstrating our shared values and high standards


    섬유/패션/의류/섬유공학/공정관리/품질/보증/공정/품질/생산관리/품질관리/QA /섬유/섬유공학/기술직/화학

    -A technical education in Textile Science to degree level or equivalent.
    -Practical experience (minimum of 5 years) in sourcing and fabric/color development, including production.
    -Practical experience of applying proven techniques of quality assurance within the textile industry.
    -Proven management and leadership skills including strong negotiation skills.
    -Good communication skills both in English

    [회사위치] 강남구 양재
    [근무시간] 주5일, 오전9:00-오후6:00

    [근무조건] 정규직(직급 협의)
    복리후생: competitive C&B package

    [지원서류 및 전형]

    작성서류: 국문 이력서/자기소개서(경력기술서)/ 영문 이력서/ cover letter
    지원방법: 이메일지원 (oshina@r-star.co.kr)
    담당자: Shina
    직통번호: 02-518-4591