[채용사] 글로벌 바이오 화학 그룹
전 세계 130여 개국에 지사[업종] 바이오식품, 생명공학, 식품공학, 바이오에너지 개발 등
[채용직무] Account sales manager
Sales enzymes product to several industries such as starch/brewing/alcohol/Bio-ethanol/Detergent/leather/Food & nutrition/Wine&juice/cereal food/Forest/Oil & Fat/ bio-catalyst industry
Establish & maintain account plans
Negotiate prices (in accordance with defined minimum price lists)
Make offers
Ensure follow-up on payment terms and outstanding balances
Identify new business opportunities
Arrange or do technical support for the customers.
Prepare the budget
Prepare forecast and update it
Report to Sales Manager[자격요건]
Leadership competency
Management skill
Good communication skill
Good with people sensitivity
Good English skills in both verbal and writing
Positive and active attitude
Strong ownership and sales accountability
Good interpersonal skill
Good Knowledge of Chemical or Bio-Chemical[학력사항 및 우대사항]
BS or above preferably in
1) Chemical
2) Bio-Chemical
3) Microbiology/Fermentation Engineering
4) Or Food Processing Engineering* 미생물학 / 발효 공학/ 식품공학 등 공학계열자
[근무조건 및 복리후생]
근무형태: 정규직
근무지: 서울
근무시간: 9:00~5:30 (주5일)복리후생: 동종업계 최상위
인센티브 별도[제출서류]
– 국문/영문 이력서,경력기술서,자기소개서
– oshina@r-star.co.kr
– 이메일 제목: 성함, 성별, 생년, 포지션명(예:이효리_79년생_여_회계)을 꼭 적어주시기 바랍니다.
– 02-518-4591
– 채용시 마감