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현재 자사에서는 외국계제약사에서 Medical Director 포지션이 오픈 중으로서,영어 잘하시는 30대~40대 초반 연배의 의사선생님을 모시고 있습니다. 연봉과 직급은 후보자에 따라 flexible이며, 회사의 직원수는 약 30명 정도로서 2011년 기준 매출액은 약 150억 입니다.
하기 사항 확인하시어 Industry 쪽으로의 관심 있으신 의사선생님은영문레쥬메 victoriachoi@kesearch.com 으로 송부 바랍니다.
본 포지션의 주요 업무는 Clinical Development, Promotion, Training and Compliance 입니다. 즉, 회사내Clinical trial personnel, consultants, contractors, and colleaguesin Sales & Marketing, Intercontinental Operations, Global Medical Affairs (GMA),Biostatistics & Data Management 에 의학적 정보를 가이드 해주는 역할인 것입니다.
더불어, Critical medical information & expertise needed to build brand strategic plans지원을 필요로 합니다.
– To establish Clinical Research programs for marketing support;
– To co-ordinate all Clinical Activities, in line with GCP and company SOPs;
establish Externally sponsored studies by facilitating the internal study approval process;
– To establish and control the budget for Clinical Activities;
– To review and comment on protocols and reports related to product Clinical Development, in line with company SOPs;
– To provide support in the selection and initiation of Clinical Centres, participating in the Group Clinical Research & Development activities,
in line with company SOPs;
– To provide medical input and support in the development of marketing and sales strategy;
– On a daily basis work with the sales and marketing function in order to profile the products from a combined medical/marketing approach;
– To control the pharmaceutical & medical information and advertising;
– To establish good connections with members of the industry & opinion leaders, and to maintain membership of societies and organizations
of interest to the company;
– Medical trainings of sales force, when necessary;
– Responsible for all matters relating to drug safety;
– Responsible for evaluation of incoming ADR reports, information to the Korean Authorities and follow-up according to procedure;
– To answer all questions and requests from outside customers on products or therapeutic areas
– Review and sign all promo pieces prepared by marketing