와 세상에 이런 사람도 있네요..

  • #100243
    kk 131.***.206.75 2313

    HARO, Spain (CNN) — A Spanish businessman withdrew a controversial
    lawsuit Wednesday against the family of a teenage boy he struck and killed while driving a luxury car.

    Tomas Delgado had filed a suit asking the dead boy’s parents to pay him
    20,000 euros ($29,400) on the grounds that the collision that killed their teenage son also damaged his Audi A-8.

    News of the case sparked outrage in Spain and generated deep sympathy for the parents of 17-year-old Enaitz Iriondo Trinidad. He was riding his bicycle home to a campground when Delgado’s car hit and killed him in August 2004.

    Hundreds of people descended on a courthouse in northern Spain in a show
    of support for the boy’s parents Wednesday. They broke into applause when word came that Delgado had dropped the suit.

    • Self 69.***.232.162


    • .. 141.***.153.233

      소송 취하했다고 끝낼 일이 아니라 정신감정도 해봐야 하는 거 아닌가?

    • k 68.***.125.115

      외곬으로 자기 입장만 생각하다 보면 그럴 수도 있으려나..
      이 게시판에도 한 명 있죠. 헐..

    • 타고난혀 38.***.223.45

      k// 무책임하게 익명성 이용해서 헛소리 툭 내 뱉고 자신의 행동을 반성안하는 태도와 일맥 상통 한다는 말씀이겟죠? 갈수록, 사람들이 막장이네요.