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    *미국 생활 5년째지만, 영어 작문만큼은 정말 어렵네요. 때문에 큰 맘먹고 작년 7월1일부터 꾸준히 영어 글쓰기를 시작했고, 오늘로 235일째 입니다 ^^ 처음에는 한 두줄 쓰기도 벅찼는데 지난 235개의 영작/첨삭이 쌓여 능력이 꽤 향상되었음을 느낍니다. 물론 여전히 엉망이지만, 일단, 쓰는 일이 자연스러워 졌어요. ^^ 그리고 영어 교정/첨삭에 대한 강력한 니즈에 의해 급기야는 채팅캣이라는 회사를 만들게 되었어요. 

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    *2013년 영작능력 향상을 위한 영어 일기쓰기 6기 모집 중입니다. 함께하실 분들은 http://cafe.naver.com/chattingcat/499 에 덧글 남겨주세요. 


    Spirit of the Marathon



    I am going to run my first marathon, 26.2 miles in three weeks. 

    A few days ago, I found the documentary ‘Spirit of the Marathon’ on Apple TV and have been looking forward to watching it.


    After a heavy dinner, feeling somewhat depressed and stressed as I’m behind a schedule, however, I felt I needed some kind of inspiration and encouragement so I turned on the TV and watched the whole film.


    During the one hour and forty five minutes, I was totally engrossed in the film. The documentary is about five people who were running the Chicago marathon in 2005. For to some of them, it was the first run. I was following their journey, including training days and the actual run, including their fear, excitement, and accomplishment. When they crossed the finish line, I cried with them.


    The documentary definitely inspired me not only because I’m a runner, but also because it reminded me that each step counts in a long journey counts and I should move forward with my pace.

    Corrected by ChattingCat Tutor ‘blitzintheasylum

    [이 게시물은 운영자님에 의해 2013-02-23 14:30:51 Jobs에서 이동 됨]