KAIST 총장 Laughlin 이 science 지에 관해,
흥미있는 발언을 했네요.
The Korea Herald, December 4, 2005
‘Difficult for Hwang to regain trust’
Nobel physics laureate Robert Laughlin said scientist Hwang
Woo-suk will find it hard to regain the trust of the global
scientific community, given that he covered up facts about
ethical irregularities in his research.
In an e-mail interview with The Korea Herald, Laughlin,
president of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, also raised questions about the reliability of
the U.S. magazine Science in terms of reviewing papers.
“The facts appear to be that he lied about it (ova donations
by his researchers) to the public. The taboo against lying
in science is severe. Once a scientist has been exposed
telling falsehoods he never fully regains the trust he had
before,” said Laughlin..//..
Laughlin said the magazine tends to select reviewers who
would be positive about “headline-grabbing work such as
Dr. Hwang’s.”
“Science Magazine has a reputation of manipulating peer
review to favor papers it likes. This is a side effect of
its being a business – one that desperately needs more
headline-grabbing work such as Dr. Hwang’s to sell its
product.” he said.
Laughlin said he was not asked to review any of the papers
published by Science since he was critical of Jan Hendrik
Scheon, a prominent researcher. Scheon’s papers, which
had been published in Science, Nature and elsewhere, were
canceled in 2002 due to fabricated data.
Laughlin said, “By the measures of market dominance and
so forth, the editorial practices of Science are
‘reliable’. But I don’t think the editorial judgments of
Science are nearly as good as it claims.
“I personally found their judgments in physics so
consistently political that I stopped publishing with