Home Talk English 슬랭 얼마나 아십니까? EditDeleteReply 2014-11-1915:38:16 #1433012 슬랭 66.***.88.113 1595 Feed face Through with the meal Bug out kit Off the grid Chemistry History Underdog with its tail between its legs Keep the fingers crossed Water under the bridge Ball park Chicken B.S. Son of a gun Love0 Hate0 List Write EditDeleteReply J.J 67.***.77.65 2014-11-2022:41:05 슬랭이라기보다는 숙어같은데요. 그리고 제목만 적어놓으시고 본문에는 영어만 적으시면 이게 질문인지 퀴즈인지 헷갈리네요. EditDeleteReply 테드 12.***.209.194 2014-11-2413:05:34 뭐 어쩌라는 거야… 어디서 줏어들었는데 자랑할데가 없는건가? Name * Password * Email I agree to the terms of service Cancel Comment