산호세에 에어비앤비에 머물던 흑인 청년 백인이 총격한 사건

  • #3749867
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    에어비앤비에 머무는 청년을 도둑으로 오인했나? 백인 남자가 에어비엔비 주인은 아닌거 같고…이웃사는 남자인데 도둑으로 오인해서 사격했을까? 그러나 보통 이웃에 누가 사는지 이웃에 얼마나 많은 낯선 사는 사람들이 왔다갔다 하는지 모를리 없었을텐데…이웃집 도둑이라고 해도 자기가 총을 쏴야할 이유도 없고…이 추측도 말이 안되고…그런데 도대체 사람을 총으로 쏴놓고 기껏해야 펠로니 촤지?

    A California man is facing felony charges for allegedly shooting a 21-year-old unarmed Black man who was walking to the grocery store from an Airbnb rental in what officials are describing as an “unprovoked attack.”

    The victim was crossing the street in the 1200 block of Somerset Drive around 11:08 p.m. on Oct. 2 when he saw the suspect, later identified as 66-year-old Mark Waters, exit a home and “quickly approach him” while holding a handgun, according to San Jose police and the Santa Clara County district attorney’s office. The victim tried to run away, but as his back was turned, Waters fired his weapon, striking the young man in the leg, prosecutors said.

    Officers who responded to the shooting provided medical aid to the victim, who was then transported to a local hospital with a non-life-threatening injury, a San Jose police spokesperson told BuzzFeed News.

    During a search of Waters’s home, police seized eight firearms registered to him, along with ammunition and other items, authorities said. Waters was arrested at the scene; however, as of Friday, he was no longer in custody, according to the DA’s office.

    Waters was ultimately charged last month with felony assault with a semi-automatic firearm resulting in great bodily injury and personal use of a firearm in connection with the shooting, prosecutors said. He is due to be arraigned on the charges in San Jose on Monday.

    “Everyone should be safe walking to the store,” District Attorney Jeff Rosen said in a statement announcing the charges Friday. “We will not tolerate such senseless and violent acts in this County. We wish the victim a speedy recovery and will make sure he receives justice for this brutal assault.”

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      어찌됬든 총기사용 미숙이라서 저런 사람은 총 주면안되죠 누구를쏠줄알고. 총은 어디까지나 방어용, 따라가서쏘는 헌팅용이아니라

    • f 76.***.207.158

      아, 니말이 맞다. 내가 미스디미너랑 펠로니를 헷갈린거 같다. 죄를 저질러본적이 없어서 관심이 있었어야 말이지 ㅋㅋㅋ 근데 왜 아직 감옥에도 안보내고 저렇게 있는거냐? 보석금이란걸 내서 판사한테 판결받을때까지는 감옥 안가도 되는거냐? 보석금이란것도 통 알수 없어. 감옥 열쇠가 보석으로 되있어서 감옥 열쇠값을 내야 되는거냐? 보통 보석금이 아주 거액으로 책정하던데 그 보석금이란거 내면 나중에 돌려받을수 있는거냐?