사람들이 일을 하는데도 가난한 이유 60장…

  • #3707160
    brad 24.***.244.132 712

    Chapter 60

    필요한 물건보다 훨씬 비싼 것을 사는데, 낭비함….


    Not Knowing “Enough”

    Do not let wicked desire blind your eyes.
    -Brad Kong

    There is a big Polish supermarket not very far from my home. (Chicago has a lot of Polish residents and they even have their own supermarkets and food brands.) It has a sushi bar inside just like Mariano’s market or others. They do a 50% discount on every Sushi after 7:00 PM as the market is closed at 8:00 PM everyday.

    I often go there and pick three boxes of sushi up, so my wife does have to cook dinner; these are all less than $5 each after the discount. These actually taste pretty good. I know that one fat Japanese guy makes all those alone; he must be a real chef in Japan. I always tell this to my wife and daughter: “I can try to find better sushi than these with more money. But that will not be necessary. Actually, that would be overkill.”

    What I tried to say is it is pointless to spend more money to try to find a better one; that is nothing but a waste; I have eaten all kinds of sushi for thirty years as a Korean and know which one is good or bad; this is more than good enough.

    When I think about it, people make that sort of mistake all the time. People just over spend for something they do not need and be broke. Sometimes, people just do not get out of poverty for this. Imagine I bought a $2,000 gaming computer only to write these articles. Does this make sense? I bought a $400 Dell desktop computer this year and it works just fine for what I need. In the worst case, I can use this computer for gaming as well since it is brand new in 2022; this Windows 11 has a lot of gaming features and I turn it all off to make this computer faster.

    I know one Mongolian grandma ordered a cable TV and got ripped off by the company for good. I believe Mongolia is not a cruel capitalist country yet and people do not deceive each other that way. She ended up having a $110 a month package with thousands of channels in 2012. They gave her one big extra remote control also, and I heard she complained that she could not even figure out how to use it. Although she got deceived, people voluntarily order that kind of package in this country. They end up not even watching half of the channels, but still pay the huge subscription fee every single month. People just get blind by greed of wanting more, more and more.

    So far, these were just ridiculous mistakes. Once this gets into a house, people actually lose a serious amount of money. We all know there is something called a “mortgage”: people get a huge amount of debt to get a house bigger than they need. This is fine since the house price can go up. Actually, this is not fine since there is one crazy shameless dog barking all the time at a Korean web community; there is one Korean website I used to go to and one member always tried to argue with people and leave nasty comments on people writing frugal life is good. I can live with debt at most, which I certainly do not prefer. But, I will not be proud of it or argue with people that it is the best life. Anyway, I do not care any more since I am not going to pay for others’ debt. It is his or their loss.

    I personally do not think a family of three people needs a bigger house than 850 sf; my one-bedroom condo is 850 sf now. I can try to move into a bigger house, but this will be a big waste. Although three people live in this place currently, my wife plans to go back to her country for a job next year; my daughter will go to college within 6 years; I plan to travel around later in my life.

    It is possible this house will be empty later on: It may be a small house, but no one will even live here. It is pointless to spend more money on housing; I am more than happy that I bought out this house 9 years ago and solved the housing issue for good; it will only cost more if I do anything. Some people just go for 3,000 sf single family homes with debt no matter what. Please trust me on this one: No one needs that kind of property; at least, it is overkill for a small family like us.

    When I read a book titled “Stillness is the key” written by Ryan Holiday, it had an episode regarding Tiger Woods, his father, and the “E” word.

    Some people are poor simply because they do not know how to be satisfied.

    • zzz 128.***.159.213

      이런데 올리지 마시고 출판사에 직접 연락해서 원고 봐달라고 해봐요.

    • brad 24.***.244.132

      Self publishing at Amazon.

      • zzz 128.***.159.213

        얼마에 파실껀가요?

        • brad 24.***.244.132


          650 페이지….

          요즘은 유명 작가들도 self publishing 하는 추세입니다….

          더 많이 남거든요….

          • brad 24.***.244.132

            커미션 계산을 해보니….

            얇은 책을 써서, 적은 가격에 파는것보다,
            두꺼운 책을 써서 비싸게 파는 게 더 이익이란 결론이 나오더군요…

            책 발행하는데 드는 원가는 얼마 안해요….

            초기 원가는 더 비싼데,
            페이지를 추가하는 것은 100장당 1불이면 됨….

            • brad 24.***.244.132

              요즘은 200페이지 책도 18불 정도 하던데…..

              앗싸리 700페이지 정도 쓰고, 30불 정도 받는게 낫습니다…..

              책이 두꺼워야 책등을 광고로 쓸수도 있고….

              300페이지 이하짜리 고만고만한거 만들어봤자,
              그냥 묻힙니다….

              얇은 책은 누구나 만드니까요….

              뭔가 하나라도 특이한게 있어야 팔림….

    • Bread 173.***.31.52

      여기 브래드가 올린 긴긴 글 다 읽은사람?

      난 몇 문장 읽고 그후로 절대 안 읽음.

    • Bread 173.***.31.52

      “I often go there and pick three boxes of sushi up, so my wife does have to cook dinner; these are all less than $5 each after the discount.”

      -> 백수주제에 돈벌어오는 와이프한테 밥도 얻어먹어? 갓 20cm 브래드

    • Anti_1_25_227 72.***.167.222

      이 거지 같은 브레드야
      돈 아낄려고 여기다 원고 수정 물어보는거냐?
      찌질한 것

    • brad 24.***.244.132

      Wife does everything.

      In Korea, men do everything.

      • Bread 173.***.31.52

        백수가 말이많다아주

        • brad 24.***.244.132

          영어를 못하니, 당연히 긴 글을 못읽지…..

          백수가 긴 글을 술술 읽으면, 그게 이상한거지….

          • Bread 173.***.31.52

            착각이 아주 대단

            영어 개판, 논리 개판 ㅋㅋㅋ 읽는시간이 아까움
            단 한문단도 논리가 안맞음.

            • brad 24.***.244.132

              어느 부분이 정확이 어떤데? 무식아?

            • Bread 173.***.31.52

              내가 미쳣냐 이걸 읽고 고쳐주게, 한문단만 읽었다

              예를들어 챕터 제목이 A = B다
              그러면 최소 왜 A=B인지 논리를 쌓고 증명을 해야지

              너는 not knowing enough?
              해놓고 고작 논리가
              “내가 30년 스시를 쳐먹어 보니 마리아노스 5불짜리 스시가 최고다
              돈낭비하지마라 그래서 니가 거지다 ? ”

              이게 말이냐 방구냐 글이냐?

            • ㅋㅋㅋ 172.***.137.252

              ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. 😂 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • 브래드사생팬 172.***.22.185

      “천장이 낮으면 이렇게 쭈그려 앉으면 편하고 좋은데 왜 다들 천장을 높이려고 하는지 이해를 못하겠어요”
      “Some people are poor simply because they do not know how to be satisfied.”
      ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 브래드 역시 실망시키지 않는다

      • ㅋㅋㅋ 172.***.59.30


    • Bread 173.***.31.52

      Not knowing enough?

      가장 적절한 예시는 브래드 자신이다.
      잘 알지도 못하고 해보지도 않고 맨날 까는 레버리지,부동산투자,.
      401K도 안해보고 알지도못하고 맨날 까기만함.
      세법도 잘몰라서 맨날 헛소리.
      해보지도않고 하나도 모르면서 자기 작은 지식(knowing) 가지고 무조건 다른걸 까기만함

      고로 결과는 거지임.

    • AAA 68.***.29.226


    • 브래드사생팬 172.***.22.185

      “We all know there is something called a “mortgage”: people get a huge amount of debt to get a house bigger than they need. This is fine since the house price can go up. Actually, this is not fine since there is one crazy shameless dog barking all the time at a Korean web community”
      모기지가 나쁜 이유: 워킹유에스에서 개가 짖어서
      ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 무슨 논리가 이렇지 진짜 웃기네

    • brad 24.***.244.132


      몰기지 빚을 지는것 까지는 이해가 가는데….

      그게 잘하는 짓이라고, 악플쓰고 따지는 것은 아니란다….

      미친 개 한마리가 몇년째 부끄러움을 모르는구나….

      어쨋든, 너희 빚이니 알아서들 해라….

      • brad 24.***.244.132

        우리집과 이집 열배 넓은 집에서 사는 것은 실제 생활 차이는 없어…..

        딱 좋은데, 빚의 세계로 들어갈 필요까지는 없다는 말임….

        • ㅋㅋㅋ 172.***.137.252

          니가 10배 넓은 집에서 살아보기나 했음? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
          백수라서 2배 넓은 집에서도 못 살아본 놈이 주둥이만 살아가지고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

        • ㅋㅋㅋ 172.***.137.252

          해보지도않고 하나도 모르면서 자기 작은 지식(knowing) 가지고 무조건 다른걸 까기만함 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
          결과는 자신도 백수, 와이프도 백수 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

        • 브래드사생팬 172.***.19.178

          여우와 신포도

    • John Grisham 136.***.55.52

      Dear Brad, my books are sold at $9.99 on Amazon. Nobody will buy yours at $29.99. What a ripoff! I’d rather buy two books of my own and two sushi from Mariano’s.
      John Grisham

    • bread 172.***.189.243

      진짜 황당한놈이네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
      너한테 모기지 받으라고 한적도없고 이해해달라고 한적도 없음

      모르면서 아는척하지말라고 하는거뿐임

    • brad 24.***.244.132
