빈넘버 조회 부탁 합니다

  • #8835
    Anne 74.***.0.26 4538


    미리 감사드립니다.

    • hanbros 74.***.156.146

      Corporate Lease로 사용되었네요. 로우마일리지로 분류되고 사고나 마일조작 기록은 없습니다. 2008년 7월에 옥션에서 팔린 기록과 함께 아래 조언이 나오네요.

      Are you buying this car? Then make sure you are buying it from a licensed dealership. Otherwise, you could be a victim of curbstoning, which is illegal. A curbstoner poses as a private seller to sell vehicles for a large profit. Be sure to buy this vehicle from a licensed dealer.

    • anne 70.***.67.242

      Thank you so much for the informations.
      I was planning on buying the car right away, but I think I’m going to look around some more.
      Thank you again.