Home Talk English "별 도움이 안됐어" 영어로? EditDeleteReply 2015-03-0420:24:20 #1607248 … 37.***.129.166 2480 “나는 회의에 별 도움이 안됐어”를 영어로 뭐라고 하나요? 도움이 됐지만 큰 도움이 되진 못했다라는 뜻에서.. I wasn’t much help in the meeting. I wasn’t of much help in the meeting. I wasn’t much of help in the meeting. I wasn’t much of a help in the meeting. –> 이 예문들은 전혀 도움이 안됐다는 뜻인가요? Love0 Hate0 List Write EditDeleteReply 오다가다 72.***.6.228 2015-07-1221:37:23 In plain English: I have no contribution to this meeting. In more informal one: I was not helpful at this meeting. Name * Password * Email I agree to the terms of service Cancel Comment