백만장자에서 캐스트어웨이 난파자로 살아가기 —- 이 사람 사는 방법, 배울점이 있을듯하다

  • #3752854
    76.***.207.158 351

    The millionaire who lost it all and became a castaway

    He jokes that his “girlfriends” are two mannequins: Phyllis and Miranda. The latter, his main squeeze, was sourced from a junkyard for $10 and named after a character in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”

    They reside in his main residence, but the relationship is strictly platonic (“I do not have sexual relations with them,” he clarified in a book he co-wrote in 2019).

    • 174.***.114.193


    • 음… 47.***.60.14

      속속들이 말을 안해서 그렇지… 충분히 이해감.
      세상에 믿을거라곤 자기자신 뿐.

    • brad 24.***.244.132

      저도 이미 저렇게 살고 있는데….

      하루 하루 낭비하기는 싫고,
      글이나 쓰렵니다…

      물론, 파산 한 적도 없구요…