Home Talk Free Talk 미국 참 심각하다 This topic has [11] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by ㅋㅋ. Now Editing “미국 참 심각하다” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) 도대체 노숙자들이 저렇게 많은데 다 안얼어죽나? 게다가 추운 스테이트에도 노숙자들이 엄청나게 많아. 근데 문제는 이것들이 정신질환 마약중독 알콜중독들과 다 얽히고 섥혀서...도대체 해법은 없고 모든 정부의 지원금들은 돈많은 애들만 배불려주는 시스템이야. 노숙자들한테 돈을 줄수도 없어 다 마약이나 술마시는데 탕진해버린단 말이야. 한마디로 도대체 방법이 없는데...왜 이런 문제가 생기는지 근본을 보면 가정의 파괴와 자본주의야. 13 January, 2023 I can tell you why the current approach doesn't work. Funds are given to various jurisdictions. It is allocated to various highly paid groups that have a vested interest in not solving the problem. So for the next year, they can receive the same funding (and some). So all that really happens is administrators get rich. I've seen it happen, personally. 1 replying 1 day ago Your point is extremely well taken. It employes a lot of lobbyists, non-profits, that are stated by individuals who pay themselves millions in salary, doctors, psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, lawyers, security, groups that support homeless, real estate companies, treatment facilities ( but homeless never seek treatment), transitional housing, companies that furnish supplies for homeless ( drug fix kits, condoms, needles, transportation companies, pipes, foil, sleeping bags, tents, showers, laundry service, portable toilets, etc.) I agree to the terms of service Update List