Home Forums US Life 미국 고등학교 졸업생 모두 대학갈 필요는 없다는 데… This topic has [6] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 11 months ago by 유키논. Now Editing “미국 고등학교 졸업생 모두 대학갈 필요는 없다는 데…” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) 억만장자 블름버그도 대학가는 것보다 주말마다 골프치러가는 옆집 플러머가 더 좋다고, 더구나 AI 시대는 화이트컬러의 무덤인데... "According to the ACT exams, 43% of 2023 high school graduates lack competency for college work in reading, English, mathematics and science, and <strong>just 21% satisfy that benchmark in all four of these areas.</strong> By comparison, 36% of graduates in 2019 and 31% in 2014 lacked competency. <strong>Reading and English competency fell to 51% and 40%, respectively, in 2023</strong>, from 64% and 44% in 2014. California’s new framework, for instance, does not encourage algebra for eighth graders. Too many American students lack critical thinking skills — the ability to look at a body of facts or data and come to a reasoned conclusion. At college, too many students spend too much time obsessing about wrong-word pronouns, microaggression and cishetrosexism. Consider that more than one-third of U.S. college students don’t earn a degree or certificate within six years. About one-third of recent college graduates are employed in occupations not requiring a degree but <strong>often leave college with a mountain of debt</strong>. provide greater support for vocational education and apprenticeships." Peter Morici is an economist and emeritus business professor at the University of Maryland, and a national columnist I agree to the terms of service Update List