미국에서 대학교 졸업장이 필요없는 $100K 이상 연봉 직업 상위 10개

  • #162767
    진짜 궁금 173.***.114.13 12407
    오늘 아침 신문에 난 흥미로운 기사입니다. 역시 미국은 기회의 나라라는 생각이 드네요.


    Going to college used to be a nearly sure way of getting a steady job. But as many recent graduates will attest, this is no longer the case. However, there are hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs that don’t require a degree. 24/7 Wall St. has identified the ten highest-paying jobs that only require a high school education.

    In order to identify the kinds of positions high school graduates without college degrees may want to consider, 24/7 Wall St. examined the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupation Employment Statistics database. The government report, which provides the salaries and number of workers in every major job category in the United States, also provides information on salary and those job positions that do not necessarily require a bachelor’s degree. The results where then sorted by wage, in order to identify the ten jobs that have the highest median annual salary. Along with salary, we also show how much these jobs are expected to grow over the next 10-15 years, and which states have the highest concentration of these positions.

    Our analysis indicates college education is not the only route to a high-paying job. Rather than spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on higher education, high school graduates can look to these high-paying sectors that are going to be adding thousands of new jobs over the next few years.

    These are the ten highest-paying jobs that you can get with a high school degree.

    10. Captains, Mates, Pilot of Water Vessel

    • Median Annual Income: $64,180
    • High-End Annual Income: $117,310
    • No. of Jobs in U.S.: 29,280
    • No. of Jobs by 2018: 38,800
    • Increase by 2018: +37%
    • Highest Concentration of Jobs: Louisiana, Hawaii, Alaska
    Life on a commercial ship can involve long hours of isolation or dangerous conditions, which means the pay is significantly better than most blue-collar jobs. In order to be a sailor on a merchant vessel, one can either enroll in a marine academy, or sign on as a deckhand. The latter option has no prerequisites and only requires a few days of basic training. Deckhands make a median annual wage of just under $35,000. After a sailor has gained a few years of experience, crewmen are in line for promotion to deck officers or assistant engineer, then finally to engineer, mate or captain. According to the BLS, “excellent job opportunities are expected as demand for people working in the shipping industry, particularly officers, is expected to be greater than the number of people wishing to enter these occupations.”

    9. Gaming Manager

    • Median Annual Income: $66,960
    • High-End Annual Income: $116,070
    • No. of Jobs in U.S.: 6,200
    • No. of Jobs by 2018: 6,900
    • Increase by 2018: +12%
    • Highest Concentration of Jobs: Nevada, Mississippi, Oklahoma
    While a high school degree is often the only formal education you need to become a gaming manager at a casino, it’s not exactly an easy job to get, compared to some of the other occupations on the list. First, because of the scarcity of casinos, there are only 6,900 jobs in the entire country. In addition, becoming a manager at a gaming venue usually involves working one’s way up from the very bottom as a dealer, which is, according to the BLS, one of the worst-paying jobs in the country. Eventually, however, experience and seniority can result in promotion, and a dealer can move from having one of the lowest-paying jobs in the U.S. to making over $110,000 a year.

    8. Detectives & Criminal Investigators

    • Median Annual Income: $68,820
    • High-End Annual Income: $119,320
    • No. of Jobs in U.S.: 110,640
    • No. of Jobs by 2018: 130,900
    • Increase by 2018: +18%
    • Highest Concentration of Jobs: New Mexico, Arizona, Texas
    A high school diploma is usually all one needs to become a detective for a city, state or the federal government. Detectives, as well as police officers, are subjected to “rigorous personal and physical qualifications.” Very rarely do these qualifications extend to a bachelor’s degree. Applicants can be selected as detectives as soon as they join the force, or they can earn the position after a time as an officer. Detectives have one of the highest rates of on-the-job injury and illness. Because of the stressful and dangerous nature of the job, the annual median wage of a detective or criminal investigator is nearly $70,000 each year. As long as the population continues to grow, there will always be new positions for public defenders. The number of detectives in the country is expected to grow by 20,000 by 2018.

    7. Elevator Installers

    • Median Annual Income: $70,910
    • High-End Annual Income: $101,390
    • No. of Jobs in U.S.: 20,430
    • No. of Jobs by 2018: 27,100
    • Increase by 2018: +32%
    • Highest Concentration of Jobs: Maryland, Hawaii, New York
    According to the BLS, despite their title, most installers work not only on elevators, but also on “escalators, chairlifts, dumbwaiters, moving walkways, and similar equipment.” Working as installers can be difficult, as they can often spend hours in a cramped space or hanging in a service shaft. Consequently, the rate of work-related injury for the occupation is substantially higher than the national average. In order to be hired, a potential technician needs to enroll in an apprenticeship program, which includes training on the job, as well as instruction in a classroom. Because of the work conditions and the level of testing and certification required, installers make a median annual income of more than $70,000, with the upper 10% making more than $100,000.

    6. Web Developers

    • Median Annual Income: $75,650
    • High-End Annual Income: $119,940
    • No. of Jobs in U.S.: 961,000
    • No. of Jobs by 2018: 1,247,800
    • Increase by 2018: +30%
    • Highest Concentration of Jobs: Virginia, District of Colombia, Maryland
    While most web developers are now required to have a bachelor’s or associate degree, certification can be enough to get a job at a major company. Start-ups have been known to hire support specialists, and with substantial experience, developers can be hired right out of high school. With experience as a support specialist and additional certification, these workers can advance to administrative positions. This can involve managing a network, designing and building a company website, and maintaining the company’s web security. According to the BLS, “More of these workers will be needed to accommodate the increasing amount of data sent over the Internet, as well as the growing number of Internet users. In addition, as the number of services provided over the Internet expands, Web administrators and developers will continue to see employment increases.” The number of web developer positions is expected to rise by as much as 30% by 2018.

    5. Nuclear Power Plant Operator

    • Median Annual Income: $75,650
    • High-End Annual Income: $119,940
    • No. of Jobs in U.S.: 5,080
    • No. of Jobs by 2018: 6,000
    • Increase by 2018: +17%
    • Highest Concentration of Jobs: New York, Florida, Massachusetts
    Because of the technical nature of maintaining and monitoring a nuclear power plant, college graduates do have an advantage in making a senior position. However, this is not mandatory, and high school graduates can be accepted into a position. Most of the training occurs on-the-job and in classrooms provided by the plant. In order to keep their positions, operators must pass random drug and alcohol screenings, a medical examination, maintain a license, and take regular refresher courses. According to the BLS, “Overall employment of power plant operators, distributors, and dispatchers is projected to experience little or no change, but job opportunities are expected to be excellent because of the large number of retiring workers who must be replaced, an increased demand for energy, and recent legislation that paves the way for a number of new plants.”

    4. Police Chief

    • Median Annual Income: $78,260
    • High-End Annual Income: $123,630
    • No. of Jobs in U.S.: 102,200
    • No. of Jobs by 2018: 105,200
    • Increase by 2018: +2.9%
    • Highest Concentration of Jobs: New York, Rhode Island, Arizona
    According to the BLS, “Most police and detectives learn much of what they need to know on the job, often in their agency’s training academy.” This experience is the training required to eventually make the upper brass at a department. After six months to three years, depending on the location and size of the department, police officers are subject to promotion. They can then, based on performance and a written exam, move up to corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, or even chief of the department. Chiefs and other upper brass make a median wage of $78,260 per year, with the top 10% earning a median of $123,630.

    3. Construction Managers

    • Median Annual Income: $83,860
    • High-End Annual Income: $150,250
    • No. of Jobs in U.S.: 551,100
    • No. of Jobs by 2018: 645,800
    • Increase by 2018: +17%
    • Highest Concentration of Jobs: Alaska, Texas, Maryland
    Construction managers oversee a team of workers on a project and are responsible for scheduling, coordination and hiring of contractors. While some companies are starting to require bachelor’s degrees, this is by no means mandatory. Any construction worker with significant experience and skill has the potential to make manager after gaining some additional classroom experience. Managers earn a median annual income of more than $80,000, with those overseeing high profile projects earning over $150,000.

    2. Software Developers

    • Median Annual Income: $87,970
    • High-End Annual Income: $133,110
    • No. of Jobs in U.S.: 499,280
    • No. of Jobs by 2018: 514,800
    • Increase by 2018: +17%
    • Highest Concentration of Jobs: Washington, Colorado, Virginia
    These days, most major employers are looking for software developers with at least a bachelor’s degree and an array of computer skills. However, some companies with a large number of developers will also hire people with a certificate and a great deal of experience. Software developers, or “applications developers” build computer programs for businesses and consumers, and need to have thorough knowledge of computer programming.” This knowledge can be gained through night classes or an online course. Software developers generally make more than any other programmer. The median annual income is $87,970, with the upper range making more than $130,000. Like web developers, and most of programming jobs, the number of software developers is expected to increase substantially over the next ten years.

    1. Commercial Airline Pilot

    • Median Annual Income: $103,210
    • High-End Annual Income: $139,330
    • No. of Jobs in U.S.: 68,580
    • No. of Jobs by 2018: 83,300
    • Increase by 2018: +21%
    • Highest Concentration of Jobs: Alaska, Kentucky, Arizona
    Former Air Force and Navy pilots have traditionally had the fast track to a commercial license because of the flight time and experience they’d gained. That holds true today, and most major airlines also require some college education from their pilots. However, there are plenty of smaller companies that will take any individual with enough logged flight time and aircraft knowledge. Because of the long hours logged, the constant vigilance required, and the substantial time away from home, pilots make a median income of more than $100,000. The number of pilots is expected to increase by more than 20% in the next 17 years, well more than the national average.
    • salary 199.***.131.155

      기사 내용이 약간 와전된것 같은데…..

      대학교 졸업장이 ‘필요없는’ 직종이 아니고, 대학교 졸업장이 없어도 능력만 있으면 ‘가능한’ 직종으로 보아야 되겠습니다.

      특히 위에서 1번부터 5번까지의 직종의 경우….. 대학교 졸업장이 없다고 해서 ‘불가능’ 하지는 않지만, 졸업장이 있으면 일반적으로 월등히 ‘유리’합니다.

      • 원글 173.***.114.13

        그런데 실제 조사결과라고 하니 저도 놀라울 따름입니다. 하지만 요즘 아이비 리그 대학졸업자 중에서 취직 못하는 분들이 많다고 하는 와중에 이 기사는 제게 뭔가를 나름 생각하게 해주네요.

        • Mohegan 20.***.64.141

          아이비 졸업하고 직장구하지 못하는 게 아니라 직장구하지 못할 공부를 (아이비에서)했다는 말이 더 맞지 않을까요.

          • 원글 173.***.114.13

            맞는 말씀입니다. ㅎㅎ

            • 댓글 68.***.212.18

              태클은 아닌데요 원글님 말투를 보면 대학 못나온 사람 같네요.. ㅋㅋ
              이 기사로 희망을 가지는것도 나쁘지는 않지만..

            • Mohegan 20.***.64.141

              꼭 그런식으로 꼬투리 잡아야 속이 풀림니까.. Grow up!

    • 유학생 166.***.10.248

      아이비 나와서 한국에서 SAT 강사 하는분들 많던데

      • ㅇㅇ 75.***.75.42

        오죽했음 한국까지 갔을까요

        • 오죽해서? 67.***.152.138

          오죽해서라기보다는 그 분들 돈 엄청 많이 벌걸요~ 자기 가치 판단에 의한 결정이겠죠~ 서울대 나와서 학원 차려서 엄청나게 성공한 사람들 서울에 엄청 많습니다~

    • 그렇다면 209.***.107.168

      Please name one.

      • Bostonian 108.***.203.54

        박정 어학원 박정 서울대 미생물학과

        • 청담어학원 63.***.104.130

          청담어학원 대표도 서울대 나와서 학원차린거죠

    • 기다림 72.***.249.44

      요즘은 학력 인프레이션이 심해서 옆집의 세탁소 아저씨도 서울대 음대, 그 옆집 편의점 주인아저씨도 서울대 상대나오신 재경부 장관하고 동창이라고 하시더군요. 미주지역 살면서 가방끈 긴것 자랑하지 말라는 말이있습니다. 스치면 석사고 박사도 부지기 수라….이런 학력 인플레이션 속에도 고등학교만 졸업해도 사회에서 인정해 주는 직장들이 많다니… 앞으로는 고교졸업생들이 더 우대 받지 않을까 생각도 해봅니다.

    • 글쎄다 68.***.212.18

      이런 기사 한번 읽고 와 미국은 기회의 나라다 라고 말하는 자체가 무식이아닐까요?
      따지고 보면 한국도 대학졸업장 없이 성공하거나 재벌 된 사람들 많습니다.
      노무현은 대학 근처도 못가봤고 정주영 현대 회장은 국민학교(혹은 중학교) 중퇴 출신 입니다.
      과연 미국에서 대학도 못가본 사람이 미국 대통령이 될수 있을까?
      국민학교도 못나온 사람이 미쿡을 대표하는 대기업의 회장이 과연 될수 있을까??
      한국에 있는 제 이모부는 중학교 다니다 말았는데 거의 재벌 수준이고
      제 삼촌 한분은 어렵던 60년대에 서울대 나왔는데 강북에서 조그만 아파트 가지시고 겨우 먹고 사십니다.. 쩝.

      • 원글 173.***.114.13

        고졸 출신이 대통령이나 재벌회장 될 확률과 (위의 실제조사 결과에 따르면) 총 2,353,000 개의 일자리에 취직될 확률을 서로 비교하면서 ‘무식’이라는 단어를 용감하게 쓰시는 당신이야말로 ‘진짜 무식’이 아닐까 합니다. 왜 한국사람들은 이토록 학력과 관련하여 민감하게 반응하는지 모르겠네요. 본인은 고학력자임에도 불구하고 저런 기사를 보았을때는 신선하고 좋은 방향으로 받아들이는데… 꼭 몇몇분들은 삐딱선을 타고 있는 듯 … 씁쓸합니다.

    • dkukyukyu 72.***.204.9

      세상만사 모든일에는 예외가 있겠지만, 원글에서 언급되는 사례들은 대다수 백인남자들에게나 해당되는 이야기 입니다. 꿈들 깨세요…

      입장 바꾸어놓고 한번 생각하면, 원글내용들이 아시안 황색인종 이민자들인 우리들과는 상관 없는 이야기라는 금방깨달을 텐데… 그게 참 잘 안되는 것 같습니다. 저또한 미국 프로페셔널 직장생활 10년끝에 가서냐 겨우 깨달은것이지요.

      한국에 사는 동남아시아 이민자들 만일 고학력이 필요치 않은 원글에서와 같은 직종에서 살아남을 수가 있을까요? 아마도 박사학위 소지자인 동남아시아 이민자들마저도 서바이벌이 만만치 않은 직종들이 바로 위에서 언급되어진 직종들 입니다.

      왜, 재미교포들중에는 고학력 소지자들임에도 불구하고, 많은 분들이 허드렛일로 살아갈까요?
      차별을 받기 때문입니다. 차별….

      역설절으로, 이 차별을 극복하고자, 그나마 고학력이라도 이용하여 뚫고 나가고자 하는게 미국에서의 외국이민자들이지요..

      원글은 미국주류 백인남자들에게나 해당하는 직종들입니다.

    • 지나가다 18.***.6.7

      저도 윗 분 말에 상당히 공감합니다.
      멀쩡한 국가가 이민을 왜 받을까요? 세계평화를 위해? 심심해서? 돈이 남아?
      미국이 이민을 장려하는 가장 큰 이유 중 하나는 경제성장입니다.
      정치적 난민을 제외하고 말이죠. 결국 가장 큰 사회시스템은 숙련 이민자들과 능력있는 이민자들을 유치함으로써 국가성장 동력으로 이용하고자 함입니다.
      이민정책을 경제발전의 도구로 사용하다보니 암묵적인 장벽들을 곳곳에 설치함으로써 기존 기득권자들을 최대한 보호하고 있습니다. 이러한 내부적 정책을 무너뜨리는 가장 좋은 방법은 이민자의 수를 급격하게 증가시켜서 사회 기득권화 시키는 것이 한 방법이기도 하죠. 히스패닉계의 전략처럼 말이죠. 그럼에도 이들 히스패닉도 백인 보호구역 내에 진출하는 데 많은 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. 암묵적인 차별때문이죠.

    • 좋은 논의 98.***.250.81

      좋은 논의라 생각합니다. 미국 기사 (한국어 번역 기사 포함)만 보고 외국인인 한국사람들이 착각하는 경우가 종종 있는 듯 합니다. 대표적인 것이 MBA 관련 기사입니다. 졸업 후 연봉이 얼마다 이런 내용들… 현지취업이랑 거리가 먼 대부분의 한인졸업생들과는 아무 상관 없는 내용입니다. 교포들 제외…

    • dfd 92.***.122.136

      이런거 보고 미국은 기회의 나라어쩌고 하는사람들 보면 좀 한심합니다~

      알게모르게 돈더 벌수있는나라는 한국이죠.

      미국 = 기회의 나라라는건 예전에 미국으로 기어들어오던 못사는 짱개들이나 하던얘기
      지금 미국은 망해가는 나라