Home Talk English 문법 / Q: You didn’t notice that, right? / A: Yes. This topic has [2] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by 상민이. Now Editing “문법 / Q: You didn’t notice that, right? / A: Yes.” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) A : You didn't notice that, right? - 몰랐었지? 1. No. - 몰랐어. 2. Right. - 응. 3. I noticed that. - 알고 있었어. 4. Yes. - 알고 있었어. 5. Yes, I noticed that. - 알고 있었어. A가 한 말에 대해 B가 할 수 있는 대꾸로 1, 2, 3은 문제가 없다는걸 확실히 아는데, 4, 5번은 긴가민가하거든요. 아시는 분?! I agree to the terms of service Update List