목사회 총회장의 ‘혈극’

  • #100052
    (주)예수 167.***.88.140 2885

    지난 26일 오전 11시 30분께 대뉴욕한인목사회 총회가 열린 뉴욕순복음연합교회. 예배가 끝나고 감사보고를 하던 도중 총회장은 갑자기 아수라장으로 변했다.

    감사보고를 맡은 노모 목사가 “어느 주간지 기자가 1000달러를 달라고 했는데 주지 않았다”면서 “(이에 대한) 보복기사가 나왔고 이런 신문은 교계에서 퇴출당해야 한다”는 발언을 한 것이 발단이었다. 한해 동안 목사회가 예산을 낭비했으며 목사들이 회장직을 맡기 위해 혈투를 벌인다는 기사를 실은 지난 21일자 N주간지를 지칭한 것이다.

    발언 직후 목사들은 선거에 들어갔다. 그러나 같은 시각 회의장 밖에서는 문제의 N주간지 임모 편집인과 목사들간에 주먹다짐이 벌어졌다.

    “야 이 XX야 네가 목사야?”

    올 한해 사업을 정리하고 신임 회장단을 뽑는 목사회 총회는 욕설과 멱살잡이가 난무하는 난투극을 연출한 것이다.

    임씨는 “돈을 요구한 적이 없다” 며 “명예를 훼손당했다”고 주장했다. 그는 자신이 회장으로 있는 평신도협의회에서 전도집회 후원금을 요청했을 뿐 이라고 했다.

    이 때 임씨의 아내이자 주간지 기자인 임모씨가 이 모습을 사진에 담으려고 했다. 그러자 옆에 있던 이모 목사가 이를 저지하려고 카메라를 밀어냈고 카메라에 부딪쳐 임씨의 입에서 피가 났다. 임씨는 “경찰 불러”라고 외쳤고 삽시간에 교회는 아수라장으로 변했다.

    경찰관이 5명이나 출동했고 상처를 입은 임씨는 앰뷸런스에 실려 병원으로 갔다.

    회장 선거는 끝났으나 회의장은 밖에서 벌어진 폭력사태에 대한 해결책을 놓고 또 한차례 열띤 토론이 벌어졌다.

    전직 회장 정모 목사의 설명이 이어졌다.

    “평신도협의회에서 전도 집회를 위해 후원금을 달라고 요구해서 정식 공문을 보내 달라고 요청했다. 하지만 회의에서 후원하지 말자고 결정이 났다. 이런 결과가 나와서 미안하다.”

    처음 문제를 제기했던 노 목사는 “오해했던 면을 사과한다. (N주간지인 줄 알았지) 평신도협의회인지 몰랐다”고 말하고 하지만 “평신도가 어디 목사들 앞에서 이런 난리를 일으킬 수 있나. 이건 징계해야 한다” 고 강력하게 주장했다.

    임씨는 “전도집회를 준비 중에 평신도협의회에서 후원금을 요청한 건 사실이다. 그러나 1000달러를 안 줬다고 그런식으로 기사를 쓰지는 않는다. 주간지와 평신도협의회는 별개의 것이다” 고 해명하고 그러나 “폭행 문제는 따로 처리해야 한다” 고 주장했다.

    다른 목사가 나서 이렇게 말했다. “상대측에서 치료비와 카메라를 보상하겠다는 합의서를 쓰면 없는 일로 하고 폭행한 목사를 체포하지 않겠다고 얘기했다.”

    그 자리에 참석한 목사들은 이 문제가 전체 목사회의 일이며 그 자리에서 문제를 해결해야 한다는데 중지를 모았다. 당사자끼리 사과하고 일을 일단락 맺자는 데 모두 동의했다.

    그런 해프닝이 벌어진 다음 즉석 합의서가 나왔다.

    내용인 즉 이렇다.

    -대뉴욕지구한인목사회는 임모 기자 폭행 사건과 관련 피해 물품인 1000달러 상당인 디지털카메라를 변상한다.

    -목사회는 임 기자의 병원 치료비 일체를 보상한다.

    -목사회는 차후로 다시는 이런 일이 생기지 않도록 폭행 당사자인 이모 목사를 철저히 교육시키며 다시는 이런 일이 발생하지 않도록 최선의 노력을 다한다.

    과연 한인교회들의 추잡함의 끝은 어디일까요?

    • 아크라드 68.***.142.126

      누구 잘잘못 다 떠나서 “평신도가 어디 목사들 앞에서 이런 난리를 일으킬 수 있나. 이건 징계해야 한다” 이 대목 진짜 신경 거슬리네…
      목사가 그리 대단한 존재 인가… 이런 표현을 하게…
      이 대목에서 그 임모라는 사람보다 저런 주장을 한 목사가 더 한심해 보인다

    • 지나다가 12.***.198.34

      이런 기사 읽으면, 은근히 화 나는데…
      ” 주의 종 ” 들의 잔치 ?
      그런데 주의 종의 종이란 말은 머슴같은 존재 인듯한데,
      종 놈이란 말은 흔히 한글을 사용하는 사람들이 쓰는 말인데,
      종 님이란 말은 과연 누가 쓸가 ?
      목사가 종님이 될려고 하니…
      종 놈이 제대로 하면, 노비 문서 파기하는 법도 있다고 들었는데,
      지금의 종들은, 종놈들이 종님이라고 즈그들 끼리 …

    • chae s. sone 24.***.157.30

      Are Christians dead? Where is any voice for the Christian justice against the criminal clergies who cheat Jesus money. How these clergies pray God ? For What?

      Let us have a march to clean up the Korean church street!! Who can clean up the dirty clergies?

    • chae s. sone 24.***.157.30

      Rev. A. R. Bernard, Sr.
      the Council of Churches of the City of New York475 Riverside Dr., Suite 727
      New York, NY 10115
      Email: email@cccny.net,Email:media@cccny.net,Email agape@kapcq.orgrpteminary@gmail.com, rsynod@aol.com,rptseminary@gmail.com,QFC@QueensChurches.org
      RE: Bishop Park’s Ecumenical dinner
      Dear Rev. Rev. A. R. Bernard, Sr.:
      Greetings in Christ
      As you are in a very responsible position as the President of CCCNY, you should be able to present the messages to the CCCNY officers for the advancement of our faith.
      The New York Annual Conference announced to the Christian public that The Council of Churches of the City of New York will honor our own Resident Bishop Jeremiah J. Park at the dinner for his ecumenical leadership in New York and Connecticut on Thursday, October 13th, 2011. It is proper to do so for the bishop in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ
      .However, it is a good occasion for the members to review some of his functions as a bishop in relation with the unfortunate criminal incidents occurred in one of his churches, Korean United Methodist Church and Institute.
      Since 1959, our family is affiliated with the historic Korean church, near Columbia University.
      During this long affiliation, our family experienced their church violence in an unusual way for almost 25 years since Rev. Won Tae Cha’s 차원태 appointment to our church following Rev. Hyo Sup Choi 최효섭 who built the church’s financial foundation.

      Our family has become the victim as scapegoat of the immoral leadership of Rev. Won Tae Cha and now Rev. Chul Woo Chang and others.
      Rev. Won Tae Cha’s aim was to abuse the Church Building Trust Fund.
      It is very important that the Christian community in this country and the world should learn about the immoral shameful incidents since the appointment of the peoples army trained Rev. Won Tae Cha (1988) to the church and then with his successors, Rev. Sung Soo Hahn, 한성수, now the incumbent Rev. Chul Woo (Paul) Chang 쟝철우.(Ref 11)
      When I was the Chairman of the Board, the trustees opposed the Rev. Cha’s proposed spending of the trust fund because it violates the church rules and law and the donors’ will. Then his group planned all kinds of mob actions against our family in retaliation.
      For his cause, his group assaulted me in the church public with false accusations of embezzlement. A Korean medical Dr. K. H. Shin shouted obscenities against me “What are you? God dam, SOB, etc.”
      Rev. Cha cheated many Korean medical doctors for his criminal trics. The ominous violent clergy brutality
      All the clergies and their conspirators followed the Steve Park’s false testimony for the mass murder charges as their Bible as the real truth for the church hijacking. (Ref 2, 3, 11)
      As the resident bishop, he knows very well their immoralities and what happened to our family the victims.
      However, the bishop neglected to take any corrective actions; rather he aided their scandals as he is more politically than faith affiliated with the offenders. For their group elected him as bishop. – Disgraceful, sinful, criminal facts should be exposed faithfully to our public in order to renew our church images in honor of our Lord.
      It is the Christian duty to reveal any leader’s sinful criminal conducts to the world for the renewal.
      1. During Rev. Cha’s group assaulted me in the church public with false accusations of embezzlement, Dr. K. H. Shin shouted obscenities against me “What are you? God dam, SOB, etc.” The ominous violent clergy brutality
      2. Then he purged the innocent elders with the help of fake M.D. Elder Young So Kim in order to destroy the church leadership.
      Elder Kim resigned his eldership to devise the elder purge. Many good members left the church. The superintendent Carol Cox questionably allowed them to do this insults to the elders and to the congregation.
      Then Rev. Cha group continued to purge other church officers. (Ref 7)
      3. Then, they assaulted choir director Jun Sung Lee because the choir did not follow Rev. Cha’s evil tactics. In those days, the choir members had good faith in contrast today’s.
      4. among the scandalous, fake Columbia MBA Steve H. Kim, Fake M.D. Young (So) Kim, other trustees decided to use the church money illegally to sue our family for their criminal false lawsuits against our family.
      5. they filed three lawsuits against my wife, me and my beloved son with false accusations, especially that I and my beloved son as attempted mass murderers. demanding $8,000,000 from us. For many years we suffered mentally, financially under the torture of mass murder charges to fight the criminal trials. (Ref2, 3, 11)
      6. Eventually Bishop E. Lyght fired Rev. Won Tae Cha as an evil in 2000
      . 7. But Rev. Cha continued to work for Bishop Jeremiah J. Park after Bishop Lyght left.
      8. However, Bishop Jeremiah J. Park unfortunately ignored their sinful and cruel actions against our family as their scapegoats. For they elected him as the bishop.
      9. Rather he aided them to persecute continuously the innocent victims immorally and unchristian way in violation of his duty as the bishop and a servant of God. (Rf 1)
      10. Their aim was to send us to jail as the murderers and to destroy our family. And then to steal the church trust fund
      11. Literally they hijacked the church successfully and formed it as a “cult” today within UMC under the leadership of Rev. Soong Soo Hahn, Rev. Chang and the bishop Park. (Rf 4,5, 2e)
      12. How and why Bishop Jeremiah J. Park unconscionably deserves any such honor at CCCNY sponsored dinner in the historic place to disgrace The Saint Vartan Armenian Cathedral?
      13. Rev. Chul Woo Chang is continuing Rev. Cha’s pattern of sinful criminal ministry, destroying Christian fellowships by hating the aged and his family as scapegoat .(Ref 12)

      The Bishop and his associates should repent their sins and crimes against our family and the church.
      1. Especially the Bishop Jeremiah J. Park should make apology to my wife, Dr. Kyung Kim, me and my beloved son for the Bishop’s falsities in supporting the mass murder charges and other accusations.
      2. The Bishop should reveal who deceived the judge F. Dana Winslow that the mass murders were related with the church as if the real murder attempts, although it was the embezzlers’ false private conspiracy.
      3. The Bishop should order his associate Rev. Chul Woo Chang and his officers to audit the embezzlement without blocking it criminally. And recover the stolen church money from the embezzlers as AG ordered.
      4. Otherwise the Bishop can not escape his criminality in the eyes of the people and God.
      5. Do you like to allow someone to brand your beloved children as the mass murderers in your church-?
      Please meditate if your beloveds are accused as mass murderers!!
      Please share the messages with CCCNY staffs and the church leaders for a renewal.
      REFERENCES on website참고문서 (In Goggle) More more on Websites
      `1. 기독교뉴스 > 교계소식 > “늦은 비의 부흥을 사모하는 자 되자” THE DEVIANT ELDER ENGINEERED MINISTRY ABSTRACT: The embezzlements originated with the fraudulent lawsuits by Rev. Won Tae Cha and his groups …www.wnewskorea.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=c_new_1… – Cached – Similar
      2.and another thing Steve H. Park’s false murder charges against me and my … Steve H. Park’s false murder charges against me and my son and …in order to steal … Park p
      3.The Bully! | Journey Fellowship ChurchSteve H. Park’s false murder charges against me and my son and …in … Park profanity Deposition doc 3.6 14 docs Sat, October 9, 2010 @ 9:47 PM
      4..Dear Jesus! I am the Korean Bishop Jeremiah J. Park. What can I do for you in this …
      5. A petition to Bishop Jeremiah J. Park to recover misused Church money … Now, Bishop Jeremiah J. Park must and others.
      6. 예수님 나는 Korean Bishop Jeremiah Park 입니다 나는당신을 위해 이 Christmas 와 새해 에 무엇을
      7. Bishop Hae Jong Kim, scandal resigned할수 있을까요?
      8. In Good Faith: Marylanders preparing for historic abortion battle – In …
      Nov 10, 2009 … Won Tae Cha, (차원태) 가이교회에임명된후 교회는그승격을 이저버리고 Institute 는 Christian … 차원태목사당은 장노집사 를숙청하고 Super Rev. …
      http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/news/faith/2009/11/marylanders_preparing_for_abor.html – Cached
      9. NYTS Dialogues: The 2011 Urban Angel Awards Gala will be held …
      28 Dec 2010 … Mythology Urban angel award. According to news reports, New York
      10. Melissa Rogers: Senator Grassley’s Investigation of Certain…bishop Jeremiah J.
      11.입은삐뚤어러저서도 말은바로하라
      12.Old habits die hard “No action appears to have been taken against Allen Jill and others say. . Dear 최영란 전도사, 최한성 전도사,신경숙 친교부장

      E mail attachments Please review
      1e.. , Methodist politics and corruption, New York Times April 10 1892 (100 years of UMC corruption) [미국감리교110년 부패역사]
      2e. Chin review his superintendency 7 19 2011 (This will reveal how much the episcopacy was corrupt)

      Finally I would like to recommend for CCCNY to establish a comment section on your website, “OPEN FORUM” so that anyone could post the sinful or criminal church misconducts on the” OPEN FORUM” FOR A RENEWAL.


      Yours in Christ, Chae S. Sone, Ph.D.