Home Talk Politics 망내티가 팍팍나네 This topic has replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years ago by 망내망내. Now Editing “망내티가 팍팍나네” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) http://news.donga.com/BestClick/3/all/20160509/78001837/1 여사님이 한마디 따끔하게 할때가 된게로군. 망내라고 오냐오냐하며 키운티가... 아예, 정치를 시작했다고 선언하던가. 진중권처럼 싸이드에서 드립치는 재미에 푹 빠졌어. I agree to the terms of service Update List