Home Talk Free Talk 떨고 있는 LA 한인들 EditDeleteReply 2025-02-2514:13:20 #3918832 한인 불체자 천국 LA 185.***.181.243 850 Love2 Hate2 List Write EditDeleteReply 5달러인생 174.***.33.88 2025-02-2516:10:29 나 떨고있나? EditDeleteReply 에휴 180.***.163.207 2025-02-2602:13:32 불체자를 왜 동정해야 하나? EditDeleteReply rrr 47.***.249.142 2025-02-2710:40:14 재앙은 무슨 재앙이냐?? Name * Password * Email I agree to the terms of service Cancel Comment