Home Talk Politics 독도 수호 일제 타도 EditDeleteReply 2019-05-1110:43:22 #3335786 . 172.***.21.49 4587 Love3 Hate2 List Write EditDeleteReply . 172.***.21.49 2019-05-1110:43:44 진보와 보수가 하나된 그날. EditDeleteReply . 172.***.21.49 2019-05-1110:47:25 EditDeleteReply 하하 211.***.68.81 2019-05-1307:52:24 아주 아름다웠던 그날.. EditDeleteReply NDC 8.***.67.20 2019-05-2110:24:58 다케시마 와 칸코쿠노 지! Name * Password * Email I agree to the terms of service Cancel Comment