대학교 Lecture 지원에 대하여

  • #148613
    메이슨 66.***.54.46 4184

    현재 H1B를 받고 일하고 있습니다.

    근데 제가 나온 학교에서 Full time Lecture를 뽑는다고 하는군요.
    전공은 비즈니스이고 박사과정은 없어요 그리고 교수가 많이 모자라서
    이번에 홈피에 광고를 낼정도로 열성적이더군요.

    함 지원해보고 싶은데….
    지원 자격은 아래와 같은데…

    Applicants must have at least a Master’s degree and proven college/university teaching experience in any of the fields mentioned above.

    석사는 가지고 있고 걱정스러운건 전 학교 다닐때 TA 해본거 밖에는 없거든요.

    대학교에서 lecture에 대하여 알고 계신분 좀 도움을 요청합니다.
    어떻게 관계자를 접촉하고 등등…..
    전 정말로 이일을 하고 싶습니다.

    ttop698@hotmail.com으로 연락을 주시면 개인적으로 연락을 드리고 조언을 듣고 싶습니다. 물론 근사한 저녁이라도 대접하겠습니다.

    감사하고 좋은 하루 되세요

    • kim 63.***.224.163

      Well, my case is little different, but I would like to share with you.
      Currently I’m working as a full time engineer (H-1B) and also holding a part-time H1B since I’m also working as a part-time lecturer at the university that I graduated from. Since there was no time conflict with my current full time employer, my company said OK. Do you really want to go for the lecturer position? Of course it’s your choice… My plan is to stay at my company until the school opens a tenure track professor position, and then I’ll think about being a full time school employ. In my case, I have Ph.D and the school contacted me for a lecturer position and I accepted, then the school used its lawyer to process the part time H1B for me. What you have to do is sending your resume and teaching portfolio to school.

    • 메이슨 66.***.54.46

      Kim님 감사합니다.
      teaching portfolio라면 구체적으로 어떤것을 말하는지요?

    • kim 63.***.224.163

      Such as your teaching philosophy, example of syllabus…. If the school is not asking for it. you don’t need this.