누군가에 대한 분석

  • #3741413
    172.***.58.142 290

    1.오만하고 자기중심적인 태도
    2.타인에 대한 공감 능력 결여
    3.지속적인 관심과 칭찬을 갈망
    4.자신이 매우 특별하다고 느낌
    5.자신의 능력과 업적에 대한 과장된 감각
    6.비판에 매우 민감하며 인신공격으로 간주
    7.남들을 끊임없이 질투하며, 남들은 자신을 부러워한다고 착각
    9.성공과 권력에 대한 집착
    10. 승부욕이 강하며 패배를 인정하지 않음

    1. 주목 받고 싶어한다.
    2. 충고하고 싶어 한다.
    3. 과대망상이 있다.
    4. 작은 비난도 견디지 못한다.
    5. 잘못을 인정하지 않는다.

    • ㅋㅋㅋ 174.***.212.104

      공짜니까 읽고 리뷰쓰는 사람도 있구나.. ㅋㅋ

      Not an Easy Read
      Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on November 4, 2022

      I really wanted to enjoy this book as so many financial “gurus” are full of themselves. This is different, but not in a good way. I understand that the author’s first language isn’t English and that is quite obvious…it would have done him well to have the book proofread to help with this. Also, there is much “back and forth” with reasons for how the author came to that realization or point.

      Also, while he derides folks for getting a mortgage for a home, it isn’t until later he mentions that his condo was purchased from money he got from his father who has “a net worth of $20 million dollars”.

      He talks about working as a dishwasher for a nursing home and in one sentence talks about how great it was but then two sentences later mentions the misery it brought to him and his family.

      The incongruencies of thought are prevalent and makes for a difficult read. He bounces back and forth within the topics…it’s very much akin to blabbering with no logical point.

      His material would be better suited as a blog and not a written/published book(s).

    • 허허 162.***.138.68

      리뷰 내용이 처참하네요…..