[구인] Web Developer/Programmer

  • #148340
    JLee 63.***.80.226 5239

    Web Developer/Programmer to take part in development of online tools for maintaining content of web sites. Our company is based in RI and has more than 20 years of experience in the computer technology industry.

    Position Type: Full time
    Qualifications: BS in Computer Science/Engineering
    2-3 years experience in web development
    Working knowledge of ASP, MS SQL 2000 needed
    Good database design skills is a plus

    Please submit your resume or questions to jinjool_suh@yahoo.com
    and we will send you more detailed information about our company and our products.

    Thank you

    • Q1 68.***.80.78

      Where is your company located?

    • JLee 63.***.80.226

      As I had commented above, our company is located in Rhode Island.