구인)서울)다국적과학분석장비 Sales Manager

  • #164509
    송현순 61.***.144.52 2570

    서울에 있는 헤드헌팅그룹 커리어케어 송현순입니다.

    아래와 같이 과학 분석장비 (Mass Spec, HPLC,LC,UPLC)의 기술영업에 관심있는 분은 연락주십시오. 감사합니다.

    Company: 다국적과학장비회사

    Open Position : 과학분석장비 Sales Manager


    [Job Description]

    1.      Manage market trend through relationship with opinion leaders such as doctors of national R&D center and professors.

    2.      Maximize orders(sales) & profit to meet our goal.

    3.      Have to have ability of accurate orders(sales) forecast.

    4.      Watching the trends of market or competitors and manager strategic plans and action items.

    5.      Provides clear direction about role of sales representatives to make achieve our goal based on field conditions.

    6.      Provides diverse educational opportunities depend on individual role and ability.

    7.      Presents guide line of selling price & sales tactics.

    8.      Gives realistic authority to sales representatives for smooth operation.


    1.      Bachelor degree with relevant working experience

    2.      Positive working attitude and good team work spirit

    3.      Reasonable English standard

    4.      Computer proficiency (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

    5.      Must be able to organize activities and work on multiple projects

    [Guideline for Application]

    1. 전형방법

    – 1차 서류전형

    – 2차 면접전형

    2. 제출서류

    국문/영문 이력서 (경력중심)

    각종 증빙서류는 최종합격자에 한해 추후제출

    3. 접수방법

    이메일 : jhsong@careercare.co.kr

    [Contact Information]

    1. 마감일 : 4 1() 까지

    2. 채용담당 : 커리어케어 송현순 이사

    – Tel : 02-2286-3860, 010-4742-5209

    – Address: 서울시 강남구 삼성동 154-8번지 C&H 빌딩 6~7