헤드헌팅그룹 커리어케어 의료제약팀 송현순입니다.
아래와 같이 글로벌제약기업 한국지사 MSL(Medical Scientific Liaison) 포지션을 안내 드리니, 관심 있는 분은 연락주십시오.
상세한 내용으로 말씀 드리겠습니다.
1. 진행사 : 글로벌제약기업 한국지사
2. 포지션 : MSL (Medical Scientific Liaison)
3. 근무지 : 서울시 강남구
4. 주요 업무 내용
– Provide timely, accurate and high quality information to internal and external customers to ensure safe and effective utilization of our products
– Review and advice for creating of promotional materials with neutral, balanced and evidence-based scientific information.
– Act as primary contact point for scientific relationship
– Provide qualified training to internal customers to ensure their right and up-to-date understanding of products
– Follow up and report adverse reactions for marketed product via literature resource to LDSO(Local Drug Safety Officer) publication alerts and international congress intelligence
– Build database for medical information and report regularly
– Deliver focused and value-added medical affair information output using materials from HQ including “competitor intelligence, publication alerts and international congress intelligence”
5. 지원자격
– Pharmacy
– Above Bachelor Degree
– Min above 1 year career
– Previous experience in the pharmaceutical industry or a medical environment is desired
– High level of clinical data understanding and interpretation
– Understanding in pharmaceutical environment and regulation
– Excellent communication skill
– Computer skill
– Fluent in Korean/English
6. 전형 및 제출 서류 및 마감
– 서류전형
– 면접전형
– 영문이력서 및 자기소개서(경력위주) 1 부
– 마감일 : 2010년 9월 3일(금)
7. 담당자 정보
– 커리어케어 의료제약팀 송현순 이사
– 연락처 : 02-2286-3860, 010-4742-5209, jhsong@careercare.co.kr