Home Forums Job & Work Life 3만명 구조조정 추진하는 구글…AI가 일자리 대체하나 This topic has [3] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 11 months ago by adfasdfew. Now Editing “3만명 구조조정 추진하는 구글…AI가 일자리 대체하나” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) 3만명 구조조정 추진하는 구글…AI가 일자리 대체하나 https://www.hankyung.com/article/202312260997i Google Plans Ad Sales Restructuring as Automation Booms https://www.theinformation.com/articles/google-plans-ad-sales-restructuring-as-automation-booms 어떻게 될까요? I agree to the terms of service Update List