@검프 (The art of seduction)

  • #409383
    Hummm. 24.***.40.106 4412

    First of all, please be patient with my horrible English. I hope I could write in Korean but I have no Korean input system on my computer.

    Let’s get started.

    검프, you have practically a ZERO percent of chance to win that girl. You blew it up when you let her know your feeling to her. How did you let her know it? By everything you did to her.

    I can see that you are really naive on man and woman relationship.
    For example, you said, ‘남자친구가 있으면 있다고 얘기하면 될 것이지..’.

    Why would she say such thing to you????
    Neither you asked if she has a boyfriend nor you directly told her you like her. She has absolutely no reason to tell you such thing. Yes, she know you like her but even if that’s certain, precisely, that’s her guess until you tell her that. So she can’t say such thing based on her ‘GUESS’.

    But still you think it as granted. There is a large gab between your thinking and her thinking.

    It’s because you don’t know damn thing about woman. All you did to her has been done because you don’t know stuffs.

    You must start with learning about women. Especially you need to learn the differences between men and women. You need to look at women not as human beings but as female animals.

    How a female behaves differently from a male in the nature?
    How the differences of social role between men and women have been evolving for a long period of time???

    Why women are more attracted to a richer and bigger male? If you understand why they behave the way they behave, you will learn how to be more attractive to them.

    OK, it takes about 16 years for a human female to raise her children. No other animals on earth spend that much time period to raise an offspring. Thus, for a human female, selecting a father for her child is a life threatening decision because a female needs to find a male who can maintain constant support for her for that long period of time. One who can bring enough food and one who is strong enough to defend the family. So human females spend a lot of resources on finding a right male. (Never wonder why the biggest spending by women are made on cosmetics and clothes. This is all about finding the best male.)

    They spend half of their life time to find a female partner and spend the rest half to raise their children.

    Have you ever watched a woman doing a shopping??? To buy just one lipstick, they will probably go back and forth between several different product like 100 times before they make the final decision (I often see them even not making a decision at all).

    Ever wonder why females spend so much time on shopping???? It’s because they are being very careful. “Careful selection” is carved into female DNA. They are born to do that and they are really good at it. And most importantly, THEY ENJOY THIS!!!! (How can they spend a whole day in a shopping mall if they don’t enjoy it???)

    That’s right, women enjoy this selection process.
    AND YOU, BY LETTING HER KNOW THAT YOU ARE READILY AVAILABLE FOR HER TO PICK,  you completely wiped out this joy of selection. Why?


    She no need to find you anymore because you already moved your ass into her bag.

    No selection = No fun.

    You have more meaning to them when you are on the display shelf in a shop than in her bag. (Unless you are very rich. Yeah nothing can beat a male with a fat savings account.)

    When you look at a man and woman arguing you probably heard this frequently.

    A woman says, “What did you ever done for me??” (In korean, “ni ga na han te he jun ge mu it sso?”)

    Women say this a lot. But a man rarely says this to a woman. Have you ever noticed this and wondered why?

    Female sees a male as someone who exists to provide things to them. Because they need it for their survival. It’s their natural behavior. So they are constantly looking for a BETTER provider and supporter. And if you are not a good provider, they complain. Females are really good at complaining. They complain for better support because they need it.

    What men complain about women? “Not being pretty enough”.
    I am not going to go more detail on what man complain about woman thing here because that’s not the subject here.

    When you have a conversation with a girl, if you want to impress her, all you have to do is just listen. Then you have only one thing to tell her.

    “You are absolutely right honey”.

    When a woman talks with you, she is not looking for a solution. She just need you to be on her side. To be her supporter. That’s right, “support” again.

    When you go to shopping with a girl, if she asks you to help you to decide which cloth to buy, don’t be rational. I mean, do not tell her like, “You should get this red skirt because it’s red color looks really great on you and IT’S CHEAPER!!!”


    No, you don’t say that. What you have to do is to carefully look at (or sense) which one she likes better even if she is asking your help to choose. Say, it seems like she likes the blue skirt more over that red skirt even if that blue skirt it more expensive. If you know this, tell her “You have to get that blue skirt. The red one does not worth a penny”.

    You think she will be happy now? No, she will not be completely happy because you implied that the “red” color does not go well with her. She may get freaked out about it.

    So the better answer is,
    “You look gorgeous in that red skirt, but you know, you already have a plenty of red skirts, so I think you should go with the blue skirt this time. I’ve not seen you in blue that much and I did not know the blue fits you so well. I want to see more blues on you.”

    (Well, the best answer is in fact “Get everything you want. You look fantastic whatever you wear. I like everything about you. So go ahead and pick them all up. I WILL PAY FOR THEM”.) <= Nothing can beat this. You must be really careful when you pick a word during a conversation with a girl. You never know how and when it will back fire. Anyway, when she asks you such a question, she is not asking you to make decision for her. She want you to support her decision which she already made in her mind. She just need your support to convince herself. Woman picks. That’s part of their life. They enjoy it (== they enjoy going shopping). Through this selection process, they pick the best one of course. So when you are interested in a girl, You don’t directly jump into her shopping cart. (But you did. Now you know it was a bad idea) YOU WAIT FOR HER ON THE DISPLAY SHELF. (== Not chase her at the church) And be ready to be picked up by her. OK, let’s talk about this “shopping” thing more. When a woman go to a shopping mall to buy a skirt, she will try several skirts. (As a man, I quickly make purchase. I don’t even try it on. I just look at the size, and pattern and price then if I like it, I pay for it. Very quick) But women are different. They try on all of them. They even try on a same cloth several times. They spend a lot of time weighing her option. She goes to one shop try some there and move on to another shop try some there….
    She eventually narrows her option to few of them. But if one she like are low on stock, then she get anxious and try to make faster decision before the stock run out.

    Now she gets confused. she make mistakes.
    She thinks too much. She spend too much time on weighing.

    At that point, you make your move because at this point she is vulnerable.

    When she is confused at this shopping mall like this, she could make a bad decision.

    OK, now I am sure you are (like I and most of other males) just an ordinary guy. You don’t have a thick wallet, you don’t drive a BMW, you don’t have a handsome face like a movie star etc etc…

    But still you must be on that shop shelf waiting for some girl to pick you up. (Hopefully the girl you like)

    So what makes you to stand out from other competitors?
    I don’t know. But you must have something.


    This one factor is the initial string between you and her. You can’t just start from nothing.

    Would a woman buy a cloth which has nothing that the woman likes?
    No. (Maybe if that cloth is the only cloth in the word, then yes.)

    She will not pick you at all if you got nothing for her. But if you have something, then she will put you on her list then she will move on to the next shop.

    As she narrow down her shopping list, you must survive. You must do something to keep that string between you and her tied (staying on her shopping list).

    Your job is to make that string stronger, thicker and shorter.

    Apparently you can’t compete with a guy who has everything. So to win over that guy, you have to cheat.

    How to cheat? Confuse her. Like she is in shopping, make her to believe that she may never get a chance to buy you if not now because you could be gone soon.

    Make her to think a lot about this purchase. Make her to think too much. Then she gets in hurry then she could pick you.

    It looks like men always select women. But in fact, it’s not man who choose. It’s women who choose. They just pretend not doing it.

    You have to use this method against women. You let them choose you. You sit tight and make her to COMPETE WITH OTHER GIRLS.

    Now she picked you in hurry. But soon she realizes that you are not what she wanted. Found out that the cloth she bought in a hurry is on sale on other shop and they have plenty. She will get disappointed.

    She will want divorce or cheat on you for other guy.

    You must prevent this from happening.


    Keep cheating her.

    Make her to believe that you are the best choice she has ever made.

    I know you go to church so, you may be get offended by what I am going to say. So be ready.

    When you believe in something, you believe it regardless of what you believe is true or not.

    It seems like it is really easy to brainwash people. When you brainwash them, you can make them go extreme. Some goes for war, some commit crime, suicide, and some girl take off their under wares in front of what she believe (pastors).

    One believes in the creation of human race by god and strongly go against evolution theory. For these people, it does not matter how many scientific proof you show them to break it. They just don’t believe you. They come up with all kind of answer… just to convince them that their choice in god was correct.

    By looking at religion, you can see how strong power this is.
    Look at pastors or other priests. Most of them are not better looking than you nor had more education than you, order than you…

    In fact, as a male partner for a female, They (pastors) are no better than any of ordinary people.

    But still, they can make a lot of women to take off their pant in front of them. JUST BY LYING THEM.


    You can use this power on a girl you like.

    What you do is to make her to believe that she EARNED you. (NOT YOU EARNED HER)
    Make her to believe that she went through a lot of trouble to win you. Then she will be happy. Let her live in that illusion but still she is happy as long as you are her man.

    So what you do?
    You have to control her mind to put herself in that situation. You need to make her to pursue you. You need to make her to worry about losing you. You need to make her to be confused so that she can’t see the truth.

    That’s why you needed to be cold to her. Being cold to her, is making you a precious one.

    [A precious thing is not easy to get == Not easy to get is precious]

    Is this true?

    I don’t know. But it seems like it works.

    When you act like you are a precious one (something difficult to get for her) you become a precious one for her.

    When you act in the opposite way (As you already did to her at the church), you are not precious to her anymore.

    So you confuse her. Sometimes act like you like her but sometime you act like you have no interests on her.
    She will keep thinking about you, as if she is in a shopping mall to decide on red or blue..

    As she thinks more about you, she will fall for you.. She will send you signal hoping that you catch it. Ignore that signal for few times. She will do whatever she can to seduce you.

    At some point, you will know that you have 100% of winning possibility if YOU propose her. But if you wait too long, she will make the move.


    Do not let her to confess her feeling to you.

    What you have to do is to wait patiently while monitoring her behavior on you. When you know that she is completely into you, then YOU CONFESS TO HER.

    You will see a lot of signs when she is completely into you. You see them, then you know it’s the time, and it’s safe to make your move.

    Why you must not let her confess?

    Because she need to feel the feeling of winning.
    When she feel it, she think she won you. She will think her plan worked!! She will think she earned something really precious.

    So she is happier when she win a man than won by a man. (waiting on the shop shelf VS. jumping into shopping cart)

    Of course, you won her. you planned everything. you watched her every move. But she does not know it.

    She thinks her plan earned you. She will be very satisfied.

    Let her believe in that. As long as she believes in that, she is happy.

    Heck, even if later(when you have 5 kids between her), you let her know that it was all your plan, she won’t believe you because she is brainwashed. She will still think she won you on her own will.

    Spend some resources on dating skill. Buy some books and read them (Not just about dating, but about female). It’s about finding your woman of life. It deserves a lot more time and research.

    I think I should stop writing here. I can’t tell you too much details to tell you. There are too much to type and I am already tired. But I hope you get the big picture now.

    You can forget about that girl at the church. Because you don’t know much about that girl. You don’t need to be desperate for her. You will meet plenty of other girls in your life. Get more experience then someday you will know what kind of girl you have to find and you will find one such.

    Oh well, I know. not everyone agrees with me. I am not saying everything what I wrote is right. These are just my opinions.
    If you like it, then take it. If you don’t, then pass it.

    Good luck!

    • 지나가다 38.***.220.214

      맨 위에 영어를 잘못하신다고 쓰신거 맞나요? ㅡㅡ;

    • 148.***.1.167

      이 싸이트에서는 콘트롤 스페이스 한번만 누르면 한글로 쓸 수 있습니다.

      그리고 여자로서, 여자에 대해 하나도 모르고서 쓰셨다는 생각이 듭니다.

    • woman 76.***.84.219

      글이 길기는 한테 상황을 너무 단순하게 단정하는 것 같네요. 제 이견은 “그때그때 달라요” 입니다.

      예쁜 싱글여자도 다 같지 않습니다…예를 들면 미혼의 미모를 가지고 있어도 자신감 없는 여자, 야망이 많은 여자, 과거에 힘든 일이 있었던 여자, 걔념없이 착한 여자, 건방짐이 하늘을 찌르는 여자, 스펀서 있는 여자, 사람의 시선을 받아야만 하는 여자, 어장관리에 더 관심이 많은 여자 등등…

      그러니 단순히 여자의 속성만 알아서는 성공하기 힘들죠…여자의 배경 및 환경 그리고 성향을 잘 파악해야 합니다. 그리고 일단은 직접(간접)경험이 많아야 연애게임에서 성공합니다. 일단 낚시망을 풀어놓는 것이 어떠실지…

    • Dreamin 96.***.192.94

      “콘트롤 스페이스”
      아 얼마나 편리한가!

      주제와 무관한 댓글 (공자백과 우덕헌)

    • 검프 68.***.82.62

      Hummm. 님 감사합니다. — __ — 이쪽이 뉴욕이다 보니까 워낙 잠깐 있다가 한국가는 사람들..도 많고..암튼 괜찮은 사람 만나기가 쉽지가 않네요. 교회 말씀하신 부분은 저도 100% 동감합니다. 전혀 오팬드 되지 않았어요. ㅋㅋㅋ 암튼 장문의 좋은 글 감사드립니다. 생각해보면 몇 명 건드렸던 아이들 전부 제가 너무 단순하게 감정표현하고 그렇고 그냥 그렇게 끝난 것 같네요. 미국에선 100전 100패입니다. 한국에선 100전 100승..ㅋㅋ 한국은 양어장에 있는 물고기 미국은 바다나가서 하나하나 찾아다니면서 스나이퍼처럼 조준해서 물고기를 잡아야하나보네요. ㅋㅜㅜ

    • 심심최절정 24.***.89.82

      예외야 항상 있을 수 있겠지만.. 저 같은 여자도 있으니.
      표현은 다를수 있으나 심리상태는 대강 맞는거 같다는..
      사실은 너무 길어서 반만 읽었습니다.
      그런데 혹시..
      남자는 어떻게 만나야하는지 강의도 가능한지요..

    • Hummm. 24.***.40.106


      This may sounds too cruel to someone. But as a female, your beauty dominates everything else.

      When a male gets attracted to a female, all he knows is how pretty you are. And they make their move with that information only.

      This is why males can make quick move. All they need to know is how pretty you are. So simple. Females are different. They think a lot, They have a lot of options to consider. So they spend more time to think about them before they make their move.

      Don’t look at other factors until you do below first.

      Spend a lot of your resources (time or money whatever) on your look. Get some nice cloth, learn how to make up your face from a pro (Pay for it. It will worth the money). Always keep your hair well groomed. I don’t care if you have to skip lunch everyday or not. Spend more money on your look. (You can easily find a guy who will buy you lunch. So don’t worry.)

      If you are interested in particular person, find out what he likes in a woman’s look.

      I see that you are tall. That’s really really good. Most males like a taller girl. Wear a really high hill all the time. Yes, some male may not like too tall girl. But ignore them for now since the number are negligible. Majority of males like a tall girl. Do fishing at a bigger pond.

      Wear a skirt all the time instead of a pair of pants. You look much prettier in that.

      Get many clothes and do not wear same cloth for many days. You don’t have to buy brand names expensive clothes. Males don’t look at the label. They just look at how pretty you are.

      Loose some weight. Go to gym. Work out vigorously. Get skinny. Most male like skinny girls. I know, loosing weight is tough. But you can’t get something without pay for it. If needed, hire some personal work out instructor.

      If needed, get some plastic surgery if you can afford it.

      If you are pretty enough, there will be a lot of guys chasing you.

      If you are interested in a particular male, show him that you have something he does not has. (is he short? Make your self look taller. etc..)

      But remember, making your self prettier is easier job than learning how to pick the right male. This is something you can not buy with money. You do need a lot of experience and advice from others.

    • 심심최절정 24.***.89.82

      내 이럴줄 알았습니다.
      치마 입은게 언제였는지 기억도 안나고
      미장원 가는걸 젤로 귀찮아합니다.
      화장품을 제대로써야 얼굴이 덜 상한다는것도 얼마전에 깨달았구요.
      게으른 사람은 예뻐지지 못한다는건 알고는 있었지만
      나이들면서 더 부지런해야 하는데 더욱더 귀찮기만하니..
      하여튼 감사합니다. 오늘 맛사지팩 사러갑니다. 꾸벅.

    • 한글이 199.***.241.74

      되는군요. “콘트롤 스페이스” 기능은 여기서만 되나요? 아님 다른 한국 웹사이트에서도 되나요? 그동안 사무실에서 한타가 안되서 무지 답답해 하던중 이었습니다. 이런기능도 있었군요.

    • 148.***.1.167

      자바 스크립트로 구현하는 것인데, 제가 알기로 workingus에서 사용하고 있는 스크립트는 aim.anj.kr의 스크립트 인걸로 압니다.
      그러니까, 이런류의 스크립트를 사용하고 있는 싸이트에서만 되는거지요.
      참고로, 이 싸이트에서 쉬프트+스페이스를 사용하면 3벌식도 됩니다. =)

    • ck 12.***.124.50

      여자는 미모인가 보네요. 나름 꾸미느라 옷 사입고 화장품 사고 머리 하고 피부 관리 받는데 돈 많이 드는데도 남자가…안생겨요 – -; 나 좋다는 사람들 있어도 내가 마음에 드는 사람이 참 없어서…

    • womanizer 76.***.84.219

      미래의 딸한테 편지로 쓰면 어떨지…

    • 글쎄.. 98.***.1.209

      저도 넘 길어서 반만 읽었는데..여자입장에서 보면 안맞는 부분도 있는거 같아서요. 여자들이 쇼핑 좋아하는건 일반적으로 맞긴하고 또 고르고 고르는 것도 맞는 부분이 있는데.. 저같은 경우는 쇼핑가기전에 이미 맵이 다 정해져 있습니다. 다른데 처다도 안보고 가서 원하는것 찝어서 최소한의 동선안에 끝장내고 쇼핑몰 빠져나옵니다.

      남성분들이 여자 외모에 끌리는 것도 뭐 대부분 맞는 얘기겠습니다만은..뭐 주위의 결혼하신 분들 보면 외모가 다 그렇게 출중하신것만도 아니고..요는 제눈에 안경이란 말이죠. 내눈엔 뭐 별거 없어보이는데 다른 사람눈에는 이뻐 보일수도 있는거고..

      한가지 공감가는 점은.. 저한테도 한때 무지하게 도끼찍던 미국사람이 있었는데 허구헌날 제 큐비클에 와서 수다떨고 눈치는 챗지만 남자친구 있다고 어떻게 말을하나 무지 고민했습니다. 그 사람이 절 이성으로 좋아한다고 하는게 제 추측이기 땜에요. 친구로 그냥 이야기하는게 좋은거면 저만 혼자 도끼병환자 될까봐 말 못하다가 은근 스리슬쩍 남자친구가 어쩌고 했더니.. 저한테 화를 내고 한동안 싸하더군요. 그동안 시간 낭비하게 했다고 왜 질질 끄냐고 두고 두고 저를 씹더군요. 그냥 남자친구 있냐고 물어보세요. 앗싸리 시작부터.. 여기 계신분들이 뭐 십대도 아니고 시간 낭비하지 말고 단정으로 스리슬쩍 넘어가지 말고 그냥 원하는걸 물어보시는게 좋습니다. 서로에게.. 단단히 딘 경험이 있어서리..