차를 두대 가지고있는대요 한대는 새차이고 한대는 5년반 정도된 차 입니다.
오늘 보험 가입 내역서가 와서 보니 아래와 같이 돼있는대요.@. Bodily Injury Liability
1.Property Damage Liability
2.Supplementary Uninsured Motorist
3.Basic Personal Injury Protection
6.Emergency Road Service
7.Rental Reimbursement
8.Mechanical Breakdown Insurance
보험료를 절약 할수있는 방법이 있을까요. 오히려 오래된차가 보험료가 70불정도 더 비싸게 돼있구요. 9가지 항목중 임의로 몇가지를 뺄수있나요?
그리고 라이빌리티 인가 개인보험 만 할려면 어떤걸 빼야 돼는지..
지금 두대 가입해서 할인이 돼있는대 한대는 개인보험만 가입하면 할인이 안돼는지도 궁금합니다…마지막으로 8번이 뭔지 잘모르겠어요
설명에는 (Mechanical Breakdown Insurance
Mechanical Breakdown Insurance is similar to a dealer’s warranty but it is usually much more affordable than a car dealership’s extended warranty and in some instances covers much more. A $250 deductible applies to each covered loss except when the vehicle is still covered under the manufacturer’s basic factory warranty, in which case a $100 deductible applies. It can only be added when the vehicle is a new vehicle, is fewer than 15 months old, the odometer reads fewer than 15,000 miles, and you are the first titleholder of the vehicle. Once purchased, MBI can be renewed for up to 7 years or 100,000 miles (whichever comes first). This material is intended for general information only. It does not expand coverage beyond the policy contract. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.)
이렇게 나와있는대 머리 아파요….도와주세요..
미리 감사드립니다.