미국 신기패 구입처?

  • #3603766
    kuuute 104.***.217.49 3284

    해충 분필 신기패 미국에서 구입해보신분 있으실까요?
    어디서 살 수 있을까요?


    • 으아 174.***.154.56

      What are some products that contain deltamethrin?

      Deltamethrin is in a variety of products used to kill a wide range of insects. Deltamethrin can be formulated in insecticide products as aerosols, sprays, dusts, granules and wettable powders. The illegal, unregistered product known as “Chinese Chalk” or “Miraculous Chalk” often contains deltamethrin as the active ingredient. “Chinese Chalk”, “Miraculous Chalk”, and products like them are not registered for use in the United States and illegal products such as these should be avoided at all times.

      이런게 같은 성분의 제품임.

      정말 간절히 원한다면 이런 곳을 통해 구입할 수도…

    • Jiwoo 172.***.28.32

      신기패 구매

    • AJK 76.***.63.248

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