They found that the risk of developing ALS was increased in men who engaged in swimming, golf, woodworking, hunting and shooting, gardening or yard work, and metal work. Golf, particularly, was associated with a three-times-greater risk. Interestingly, no recreational activities were significantly associated with an increased ALS risk in women. None of the activities were linked to earlier onset of, or death from, ALS for either sex.
– 여자에게는 상관관계가 나타나지 않았다.
– pesticides, formaldehyde 같은게 영향을 주지 않나 추측. 밝혀진건 없음.
참고로, ALS는 디멘시아, 파킨슨 등과 다름. 비교적 젊은 사람들도 걸리기도 하고, 일단 걸리면 오래 살지 못함. 평균 2년 내에 사망.