Home Forums US Life 버지니아) 강아지한테 물려 병원 치료 받은 후, 카운티 노스트 받아서 무서워요 버지니아) 강아지한테 물려 병원 치료 받은 후, 카운티 노스트 받아서 무서워요 Name * Password * Email Virginia follows the “<strong>one-bite rule</strong>” when it comes to dog attacks. This means that dog owners can be held liable for failing to take precautions to restrain their dog when the animal has previously attacked someone. Dog owners could also be held liable for an attack when, regardless of whether the dog had a history of violence, the owner’s irresponsibility nonetheless led to the attack. 앞으로 같은 개가 다른사람 해치면 문제가 될듯하네요. I agree to the terms of service Comment