Home Talk Free Talk 민간 달 착륙선, 지구로 추락 중…불시착 시점은 안밝혀 민간 달 착륙선, 지구로 추락 중…불시착 시점은 안밝혀 Name * Password * Email 그때에 비하면 껌값이겠지만 달탐사 장비 배달비가 108m. https://www.npr.org/2024/01/08/1223424903/first-u-s-lunar-lander-in-more-than-50-years-rockets-toward-the-moon NASA paid Astrobotic $108 million to fly its experiments to the moon on this mission, part of the agency's commercial lunar program. ... Wiki Project Apollo was a massive undertaking, representing the largest research and development project in peacetime. At its peak, it employed over 400,000 employees and contractors around the country and accounted for more than half of NASA's total spending in the 1960s.[139] After the first Moon landing, public and political interest waned, including that of President Nixon, who wanted to rein in federal spending.[140] NASA's budget could not sustain Apollo missions which cost, on average, $445 million ($2.57 billion adjusted)[1] each while simultaneously developing the Space Shuttle. The final fiscal year of Apollo funding was 1973. 아폴로 프로젝트 지금 돈으로 환산하면 2.57 bil 탐사 장비 배달비 24번이면 달에 사람 보내고도 남을 금액이네. I agree to the terms of service Comment